A sea full of obnoxiousness


Anyway else annoyed by RJS's stupid comments? In every post, he goes out, states something stupid, and then says "Why aren't you as smart as me"?

I suggest a mass ignore. Let's kill the troll before it digs deep in.
Anyway else annoyed by RJS's stupid comments? In every post, he goes out, states something stupid, and then says "Why aren't you as smart as me"?

I suggest a mass ignore. Let's kill the troll before it digs deep in.

Ignore the trolll Sir.
Anyway else annoyed by RJS's stupid comments? In every post, he goes out, states something stupid, and then says "Why aren't you as smart as me"?

I suggest a mass ignore. Let's kill the troll before it digs deep in.

You're annoying too watermark, but we humor you. I suggest kindness. That will bore him.
Anyway else annoyed by RJS's stupid comments? In every post, he goes out, states something stupid, and then says "Why aren't you as smart as me"?

I suggest a mass ignore. Let's kill the troll before it digs deep in.

Water, I have refrained from cyber-skewering you, because you are only a pup, and, I have to be careful who I used my mensa on? It is, almost as if, I do not know my own cyber-strength? I have skewered some lefties to the poinit, they have left the board, though, some would sneak back in later with new names, hoping I would not notice, as they kept their eyes down like whipped dogs? One of my cyber-skewering victims, signed in from a cyber cafe to tell me he was on the way to kill himself, butt, of course, I talked him out of it, all true?

You lefties are very predicktable, the top tier and mid-list lefties will beg and cry and say "please don't skewer me again RJS?" the way the lefty mid-lister, SuperFreak did last week, after I skewered him and knocked him down to the remainder bin? And the low on the totem poll lefties, like you, will come on here and put up some thread like this, daring me to say something, because unlike the mid-listers, you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, my attempting to fix yourself to my posting coattails? Butt, this has backfired and you have received a medium cyber-skewering, i have held back because of your age, butt, I may not next time? Touche.
Water, I have refrained from cyber-skewering you, because you are only a pup, and, I have to be careful who I used my mensa on? It is, almost as if, I do not know my own cyber-strength? I have skewered some lefties to the poinit, they have left the board, though, some would sneak back in later with new names, hoping I would not notice, as they kept their eyes down like whipped dogs? One of my cyber-skewering victims, signed in from a cyber cafe to tell me he was on the way to kill himself, butt, of course, I talked him out of it, all true?

You lefties are very predicktable, the top tier and mid-list lefties will beg and cry and say "please don't skewer me again RJS?" the way the lefty mid-lister, SuperFreak did last week, after I skewered him and knocked him down to the remainder bin? And the low on the totem poll lefties, like you, will come on here and put up some thread like this, daring me to say something, because unlike the mid-listers, you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, my attempting to fix yourself to my posting coattails? Butt, this has backfired and you have received a medium cyber-skewering, i have held back because of your age, butt, I may not next time? Touche.

and you simply weren't smart enought to realize that Super was being sarcastic. I think you honestly beleive he was serious.

Now as for the idea of putting you on ignore. -- I have never put anyone on ignore, and I never will. It is the cowards way oiut. I much prefer to know what the oposition is saying no matter how stupid he or she is.

I have been thinking of how you cvould best be handled. after all, there is nothing left for you to lie about regarding me. so anything you say would simply be a repeat and the people on this site know you are nothing but a lying Jackass If they beleive your garbage, they are already a lost cause anyway. Therefore;

No matter what you say further, it is my intention to cease responding to your post at all, or that in any way referr to me., and regardless of whom the recipient happens to be.

"BYE" Jackass. Have your fun.
I think I'm going to have to take this message to Damocles, RJS. That was a personal threat. I have no idea what you mean by "Cyber skewer", but if it means collecting information on the internet to insult me, that is a bannable offense, and you will be banned from your IP address from ever coming back.
Mine or RJS's?

I personally don't have panties on... right now... *MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA*

Yours. IF he bothers you that much don't respond. Why do you feel the need to start threads declaring how many posters you don't like?
Yours. IF he bothers you that much don't respond. Why do you feel the need to start threads declaring how many posters you don't like?

Oh, this is different from Black's thread. Black had me generally angry.

It's just that I look at everything RJS says, scratch my head, and say "WTF?" He's really that sort of person. Absolutely wacko.
I think it's an interesting study to see how many people actually take this RJS seriously.

Water actually believing he's been "threatened" and wanting to get Damo to do an IP block (don't see it in the cards personally), is the best one yet.
WM, I thought you were joking with this, but you've said something similar on another thread. Don't you realize that RJS is actually one of us, and those posts are intentionally facetious, meant only purely as humor? It's just light comic relief, nothing more. You're taking him 'way too seriously!
WM, I thought you were joking with this, but you've said something similar on another thread. Don't you realize that RJS is actually one of us, and those posts are intentionally facetious, meant only purely as humor? It's just light comic relief, nothing more. You're taking him 'way too seriously!
lol. Shhhhh!