A self avowed liar, A fine talk radio host


Villified User
Former Politician Is New Talk Radio Host

Associated Press Writer

BOSTON (AP) -- Former Massachusetts House Speaker Thomas Finneran started a new career as a radio talk show host Monday, just five weeks after he pleaded guilty to federal charges.

Finneran promised to discuss everything from Middle East politics to Anna Nicole Smith.

"This show is not going to be about Tom Finneran and his political career or my recent plea in court, although I'm more than happy to speak to it," the Democrat told listeners on "Finneran's Forum" on WRKO-AM.

Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe joined him on the air by telephone, and Finneran said Sen. John Kerry, the former Democratic presidential nominee, would join him on the air later this week.

Finneran, 56, pleaded guilty on Jan. 5 to giving false testimony during a 2003 investigation into allegations of racial bias in legislative redistricting in 2001. The government concluded there was no evidence of racial bias, but said he lied when he claimed he had no knowledge of, or input into, the process. He was fined $25,000 and placed on 18 months of unsupervised probation.
