A Sex Scandal With No Sex


Junior Member
Well...... he is still a queer!

>>After interviewing some 40 former congressional pages, FBI agents have yet to turn up any evidence of direct sexual contact between underage pages and former Congressman Mark Foley.

Instead, according to law enforcement officials and several former pages, a pattern is emerging of seduction by Foley that began when the boys were 16 and 17. In cases where actual sex followed, it was not until the boys were at the legal age of 18

Nah, he seems to be the only person in the US still obsessed with a certain Congressman from Florida that recently resigned.
I guess Foley jacking off while having cybersex with an expage in the house cloakroom and blowing a load of splooge all over his laptop screen all while the house held a vote open waiting for him to have an orgasm doesn't really count as sex.
Seems to me foley is in the news everyday.

Maine>>Foley jacking off while having cybersex with an expage in the house cloakroom and blowing a load of splooge all over his laptop screen all while the house held a vote open waiting for him to have an orgasm doesn't really count as sex.

seems maine has a talent for cybersex! But we already knew that.