A shameless plug for Bill Richarson


Will work for Scooby snacks
Richardson would completely exit Iraq. The others wouldn't.

Wed Apr 11, 2007

Bill Richardson:

"if I were President today, I would withdraw American troops by the end of this calendar year. I would have no residual force whatsoever."

Richardson, in just the last couple of months, has brokered landmark deals in Darfur and North Korea -- efforts that had stymied the Bush Administration through two terms. There is no one in American politics today more respected and accomplished on foreign policy than Bill Richardson.

Compare this to Hillary Clinton, who talks about "ending the war", yet the fine print of her plan shows she'd keep up to 75,000 American troops in Iraq.

Compare this to Barack Obama, who would still leave an undisclosed number of troops in Iraq:

"The plan allows for a limited number of U.S. troops to remain in Iraq as basic force protection, to engage in counter-terrorism and to continue the training of Iraqi security forces."

Compare this to John Edwards:

"Edwards believes that sufficient forces should remain in the region, working in concert with the international community, to ensure that instability in Iraq does not spillover and create a regional war, a terrorist haven, or spark a genocide."

Of all the top candidates, Richardson is the only candidate who currently advocates a complete withdrawal from Iraq. That he's also the sharpest mind on foreign policy issues isn't a coincidence.

The truly sad part is that there is little chance he will get the Dem nod... and if by some miracle he does... the Reps will bring out every gun they have and start blasting away, cause a moderate Dem in this environment is their worst nightmare.
On the Rep side, I was positive McCain would get the nod. But lately he seems to be falling apart. Which shocks me. I think he is trying too hard to please everyone and that is not good. I doubt Rudy or Hagel will get the nod for the Reps... which means I have no clue who to vote for.
come on now... I can go look it up... but I do want to copy it down so I do not forget.... though if ya can save me a lil time that would be great...
Oh, I thought you were kidding. We have some cash laid down. You think a Republican will win the white house in '08, and I disagree. I think its $150 to you if you win, and $50 to me if I win.
That sounds a bit more likely. Still depends on who both parties put up... but I now think the Reps will need someone who is not currently in the game... if you are not sure, I will try to find it to make certain. Regardless.... when the time comes I will honor my end should I lose.
As for the kidding part... I was trying to act like I was kidding, hoping that you would remind me exactly what the bet was so that I wouldn't have to ask. But that failed. :(
As for the kidding part... I was trying to act like I was kidding, hoping that you would remind me exactly what the bet was so that I wouldn't have to ask. But that failed. :(

Would you like to play poker sometime? I'll give you odds. :D
That sounds a bit more likely. Still depends on who both parties put up... but I now think the Reps will need someone who is not currently in the game... if you are not sure, I will try to find it to make certain. Regardless.... when the time comes I will honor my end should I lose.

Oh crikes, another bet.

Do me a favor guys, do all of us a favor, please. Whichever one of you loses, pay it! I can't take another 300 posts about who's a whelcher and who's a liar and who changed the bet, mid-bet and nullified the whole thing, and on and on and on.
Oh crikes, another bet.

Do me a favor guys, do all of us a favor, please. Whichever one of you loses, pay it! I can't take another 300 posts about who's a whelcher and who's a liar and who changed the bet, mid-bet and nullified the whole thing, and on and on and on.

Don't bet with a republican. They welch on bets they lose. Ask Maineman.