A simple question for Dixie.


Well-known member
Dixie, when we invaded Iraq were these degraded munitions you keep trumpiting capable of massive destruction?
I'm sure dixie will try to twist the word "we" around.

Better question Dixie:

Does 1/3 really exist or is it a simply a product of the liberal media's obsession with making Bush look bad?
Sure it would cause mass deaths Jerod. Just put the shell over someones head till they suffocate and then do it to the next one in line, repeat as necessary.
Dixie, when we invaded Iraq were these degraded munitions you keep trumpiting capable of massive destruction?

Who cares what a Bush-bootlicker from alabama thinks.

The nations foremost expert on Iraqi weapons - Bush's own Chief Inspector, Charles Duelfer - said they are not WMD, and are at worst a local public health hazard.
good point Cypress, but then Dixie ignores all the experts and knows better than them. I expect he is this way int the rest of his life as well. Knows better than his Dr, etc ?
You know... I really don't understand why Pinheads feel the need to start 5 threads on the same exact topic, unless it's some sort of attempt to set so many fires they can't possibly all be put out. I really don't care to run around the board and attempt to catch all your threads with the same lie, and stupidity in them, I would prefer to keep the stupidity confined to one thread... but I know how retarded people are when they get excited.

Instead of responding again, to the same old argument you've been rehashing, let me ask you a really simple question, posed as a hypothetical...

Let's say, one or a few of these so-called "depleted munitions" were to have made its way into the hands of alQaeda terrorists, and was smuggled into our country, perhaps through the open Mexican border... and let's say they detonated them in a mall or middle school somewhere... Now, because they weren't fully potent, it didn't kill anyone, but it made a lot of kids sick, and there were some injured from the blast... Would this be alright with you? Would this be acceptable? If the CDC only reported a slight contamination of Sarin nerve agent in the mall, would that be tolerable and totally harmless?

Just a simple question... answer any time!
Let's say, one or a few of these so-called "depleted munitions" were to have made its way into the hands of alQaeda terrorists, and was smuggled into our country, perhaps through the open Mexican border... and let's say they detonated them in a mall or middle school somewhere... Now, because they weren't fully potent, it didn't kill anyone, but it made a lot of kids sick, and there were some injured from the blast... Would this be alright with you? Would this be acceptable? If the CDC only reported a slight contamination of Sarin nerve agent in the mall, would that be tolerable and totally harmless?

"Won't somebody think of the children!"

Such poor pathos Dixie, you should be ashamed if only you knew any better.

Your argument relies on the Iraqi regime giving these depleted munitions (you used speech marks - do you not understand what depleted means?) to AQ. This is unsupported, to say the least. As the 9/11 commission stated "they do not appear to have resulted in a collaborative relationship"and as British defence Intelligence reports state "any fledgling relationship foundered due to mistrust and incompatible ideologies." *

To create a debacle of the extent we are seeing as a result of the invasion of Iraq on such a basis, when you consider that Iraq is now, in the opinion of most experts on the matter, AQ greatest training ground and recruitment banner, is extremely poor strategy.

So, what is it Dixie? Are you too ideologically connected to those extremists that you cannot see / wish to ignore reality, or are you just a poor strategic thinker?

* http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/2727471.stm
Your argument relies on the Iraqi regime giving these depleted munitions (you used speech marks - do you not understand what depleted means?) to AQ.

I used quote marks because I don't consider slightly degraded Sarin nerve agent as being "depleted" and neither do scientists. Someone even used the term "spent weapons" yesterday, which is another inaccurate descriptor. I think it's important that we use words which accurately describe things, and not words that infer things that aren't so.

As for my hypothetical, it does not rely on the Iraqi regime giving anyone, anything, and I never stated that. In fact, your own Pinhead rhetoric has informed us, Saddam didn't have control of certain regions in his country, so my premise has nothing to do with the regime giving anything to anyone, or even knowing about what may be stolen from under their noses, since Saddam wasn't in control of parts of his country. My hypothetical relies on US Coalition forces not being in Iraq and not finding 500 Sarin bombs, which would be the case, if you had your way.

Now again, the question... A degraded Sarin bomb goes off in a mall or school in the US (or UK), and because of the degraded state of the Sarin, no one dies but lots of kids get sick and a few people are seriously injured in the blast... you okay with that? Yes or No?
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Oh... and just to assuage your narcissism, let's say that it wasn't just kids who got sick, it was adults in the mall and school as well. Perhaps that makes a difference to you, I didn't see where it mattered, and it didn't change my opinion, but that might not be the case with you.
I mean, a degraded Sarin bomb going off in a mall or shcool..... that wouldn't be blamed on Bush, would it? Liberals wouldn't immediately start demanding to know why Bush didn't protect them, would they? We wouldn't fault our government in the least, should one of these stray WMD's go off in a major American city, we are all fair minded and objective enough to realize they were old degraded munitions and weren't considered a threat, if that were to happen, right?
I used quote marks because I don't consider slightly degraded Sarin nerve agent as being "depleted" and neither do scientists. Someone even used the term "spent weapons" yesterday, which is another inaccurate descriptor.

Scientists agree with you? Most articles I have read on the matter state that the Sarin was over a decade old and depleted.

What are the names of the scientists who claim that these weren't depleted?

I think it's important that we use words which accurately describe things, and not words that infer things that aren't so.

You've changed your tune. Wasn't long ago since you were bandying the falsehood that Islamic extremists were fascists, despite not having fascistic characteristics...

As for my hypothetical, it does not rely on the Iraqi regime giving anyone, anything, and I never stated that. In fact, your own Pinhead rhetoric has informed us, Saddam didn't have control of certain regions in his country, so my premise has nothing to do with the regime giving anything to anyone, or even knowing about what may be stolen from under their noses, since Saddam wasn't in control of parts of his country. My hypothetical relies on US Coalition forces not being in Iraq and not finding 500 Sarin bombs, which would be the case, if you had your way.

The point has, once again, flown completely over your head.

Saddam would hardly likely retain such stores in areas he couldn't control. In truth, if AQ et al wished to get hold of such weapons they are more likely to source them from other regimes in the area that are friendly with them, unlike Iraq.

The likelihood that AQ would source such weapons from Iraq was so slim that the consequences of the debacle invasion (increase in extremism and support for AQ) by far outweigh the possibility. The extension of the problem caused by the invasion makes such an attack far more likely, not less likely.

We have removed a despot, but a despot opposed to AQ and replaced it with AQ's dream training, recruitment and resource sourcing tool.

On a side issue, your rhetoric is extremely weak. Not only is the pathos as unsubtle as a brick in the face, but the scenerio you paint, either / or, doesn't take into consideration reality. It is a simplistic approach that doesn't fit reality and that is why it is so easy to argue against.
I mean, a degraded Sarin bomb going off in a mall or shcool..... that wouldn't be blamed on Bush, would it? Liberals wouldn't immediately start demanding to know why Bush didn't protect them, would they? We wouldn't fault our government in the least, should one of these stray WMD's go off in a major American city, we are all fair minded and objective enough to realize they were old degraded munitions and weren't considered a threat, if that were to happen, right?

Ahhhh. Persecuted Bush-Fan Syndrome......

Personally I think the calls would be for an investigation, and the blame apportioned according to the results of that.... Most people would blame those who planted the bombs.

But this is all Dixie-style blather, throwing up chaff, deferring from the argument that is the long-shot supposition that without invasion of Iraq such a scenerio would occur.
You know... I really don't understand why Pinheads feel the need to start 5 threads on the same exact topic, unless it's some sort of attempt to set so many fires they can't possibly all be put out. I really don't care to run around the board and attempt to catch all your threads with the same lie, and stupidity in them, I would prefer to keep the stupidity confined to one thread... but I know how retarded people are when they get excited.

Instead of responding again, to the same old argument you've been rehashing, let me ask you a really simple question, posed as a hypothetical...

Let's say, one or a few of these so-called "depleted munitions" were to have made its way into the hands of alQaeda terrorists, and was smuggled into our country, perhaps through the open Mexican border... and let's say they detonated them in a mall or middle school somewhere... Now, because they weren't fully potent, it didn't kill anyone, but it made a lot of kids sick, and there were some injured from the blast... Would this be alright with you? Would this be acceptable? If the CDC only reported a slight contamination of Sarin nerve agent in the mall, would that be tolerable and totally harmless?

Just a simple question... answer any time!

Again, you have failed to answer my question.

The reason I posted it in several places was I felt your failure to answer might be more widely noticed...

Again were these munitions you keep calling Weapons of Mass Distruction capable of massive distruction?