APP - A simple timeline of FBI/DNC/Clinton/Fusion GPS/Steele/Russian Collusion

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
All listed below are verified fact in the public record.

June 9th 2016: Trump Jr. met with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya in Trump Tower. Veselnitskaya also met with Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson on June 9th before and after the Trump Tower meeting.

June 20th 2016: Date of the first report compiled in Christopher Steele’s dossier.

June 27th 2016: Then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton met on the Phoenix Int’l airport tarmac to discuss ‘golf and grandkids’. The FBI scrambled to cover up this scandalous meeting.

July 5th 2016: Republican investigators now have evidence Steele approached the FBI on this date with concerns then-candidate Donald Trump was working with the Russians.

July 5th 2016: Then-FBI Director James Comey gives a press conference exonerating Hillary Clinton of her criminal email investigation.

Late July: According to Comey’s testimony to House Intel Committee he opened a probe into Trump’s connections to Russia in late July.

August 6th 2016: Hillary Clinton sends out her first of 8 tweets about Trump’s connections to Russia.

September 23rd: Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News runs a story about Trump’s campaign advisor Carter Page and his possible ‘secret channels’ to Russia. This Yahoo News story ended up being used on the FISA application.

October 21st 2016: The FBI sought and received a FISA warrant on Carter Page using ‘intelligence’ in Hillary’s phony Russia dossier. THREE FISA renewals were subsequently granted using the same fraudulent dossier.

October 31st 2016:*With just days to go until election day, David Corn of*Mother Jones*broke the story of a ‘veteran spy’ who gave the FBI information on Trump’s alleged connections to Russia. Christopher Steele, British spy and author of the garbage dossier was not named in this Mother Jones report. Only hints of the dossier were published; the salacious claims were omitted.

January 10th 2017: Buzzfeed publishes entire Russia dossier.

January 24th 2017: Peter Strzok ambushed General Flynn with the help of McCabe with a surprise ‘interview’ about his conversations with Russian Ambassador Kislyak. This led to Flynn’s firing.

March 2nd 2017: Jeff Sessions recuses himself from the Russia investigation. Rod Rosenstein subsequently takes over as Deputy AG.

May 17th 2017: Robert Mueller is appointed Special Counsel by Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein to investigate ‘Trump-Russia collusion’ during the 2016 election.