A Sneak And A Scumbag Agree


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Trump is a U.N.-loving two-faced goddamned sneak. Scumbag Lindsey Graham backing up Trump is the only proof you need.

President Trump will leave a “small peacekeeping group” of 200 troops in Syria, after the April 30 deadline to withdraw all forces, according to a report.

“A small peacekeeping group of about 200 will remain in Syria for a period of time,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said in a brief statement to Reuters.

PEACEKEEPING means a United Nations Force. President Sneak and his FOX stooges are very careful not to tell the public that our military people ordered to serve in the “small peacekeeping group” will serve under U.N. command. I will admit I am wrong if one “journalist” asks Trump about our U.S. troops fighting for the U.N. Jim Acosta might ask just to embarrass the sneak but I doubt it. CNN will drop anybody that asks embarrassing questions about the United Nations.

The decision was reportedly announced after Trump spoke by phone to Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday. The two leaders agreed to “continue coordinating on the creation of a potential safe zone,” according to the report.

Whatever scumbag Graham wants in foreign policy is poison for this country:

The announcement marked a big victory for Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who spent the weekend at the Munich Security Conference convincing allies to leave about 200 troops so that he could convince President Trump to do so as well.

Graham told Breitbart News aboard his military aircraft on the way home from Munich that there was broad agreement for the plan among the U.S. Congress, administration officials, and allies. He was due to speak to the president on Tuesday about his trip.

The 200 U.S. forces will be part of a “stabilizing force” that Graham envisions to reach 1,500 in northeastern Syria. The force would maintain a buffer zone along the border between Turkey and Syria, to prevent Turkish forces from targeting Syrian Kurdish forces, who helped the U.S. defeat the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

The force would also prevent the comeback of ISIS, and prevent Iran from gaining more influence in Syria, Graham argued.

Graham announced in Munich that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Joseph Dunford would be asking allies to leave a couple hundred troops in Syria as well.

Graham issued a statement late Thursday applauding the president on the decision.

Notice the spin. “Peacekeeping group” is not “international” but “stabilizing force’ is. No country will go along with Trump unless the peacekeeping force’s authority remains in the U.N.’s hands. That is something else scumbag Graham applauds.

“I applaud President Trump’s decision to leave a small contingent of American forces in Syria as part of an international stabilizing force,” he said.

“This will ensure ISIS does not return and Iran does not fill the vacuum that would have been left if we completely withdrew. This also ensures that Turkey and [Syrian Democratic Force] elements that helped us defeat ISIS do not go into conflict,” he said.

“With this decision, President Trump has decided to follow sound military advice. This decision will ensure that we will not repeat the mistakes of Iraq, in Syria,” he added. “Well done Mr. President.”

The Washington Post reported Thursday that the 200 forces would be “split down the middle” between along the northeastern border between Syria and Turkey, and the Tanf base in southeast Syria. The official also said the total “might rise slightly.”

On Friday, Shanahan and Dunford will host their Turkish counterparts at the Pentagon.

Report: President Trump to Leave 200 ‘Peacekeeping’ Troops in Syria
by Kristina Wong
22 Feb 2019


Finally, there is talk about pardoning Paul Manafort for larceny, but nary a word about pardoning Michael New for honoring his oath. In fact, President Sneak is putting more military personnel in harm’s way for the United Nations: See this thread:

Trump can send an unmistakable message to NATO, to the United Nations, and to the American people by pardoning Michael New. Nobody should be pardoned until Michael New is pardoned. New’s arrest, court-martial and conviction remains the biggest miscarriage of justice in this country’s military history; on par with France’s Alfred Dreyfus although Specialist New was not sent to Devil’s Island or even to prison. Alas, Michael New is the forbidden pardon. I doubt if he could buy a pardon for any price.

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To be honest, I never trusted Trump in a bunch of areas. First off, he should have known better than to send Nikky Haley to the United Nations. She remains Trump’s worst appointment.

In the interest of full disclosure I objected to then-Governor Haley’s rising star image long before Trump made her U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.


It does not require in-depth research into Kelly Knight Craft to learn that she has a warm and tender history with the United Nations.


In short: Craft is no improvement over Haley.

To be honest, I never trusted Trump in a bunch of areas. First off, he should have known better than to send Nikky Haley to the United Nations. She remains Trump’s worst appointment.

In the interest of full disclosure I objected to then-Governor Haley’s rising star image long before Trump made her U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.


It does not require in-depth research into Kelly Knight Craft to learn that she has a warm and tender history with the United Nations.


In short: Craft is no improvement over Haley.

It now up to 400 Americans for this peacekeeping job.

Do you understand the relationship between Iran and Syria?
It now up to 400 Americans for this peacekeeping job.

To kudzu: No it is not.

Do you understand the relationship between Iran and Syria?

To kudzu:
Make an effort to understand the treasonous relationship between the U.S. and the United Nations.

PEACEKEEPING means a United Nations Force. President Sneak and his FOX stooges are very careful not to tell the public that our military people ordered to serve in the “small peacekeeping group” will serve under U.N. command. I will admit I am wrong if one “journalist” asks Trump about our U.S. troops fighting for the U.N. Jim Acosta might ask just to embarrass the sneak but I doubt it. CNN will drop anybody that asks embarrassing questions about the United Nations.
To kudzu: No it is not.

To kudzu:
Make an effort to understand the treasonous relationship between the U.S. and the United Nations.

Official: Trump agrees to keep about 400 US troops in Syria
Most US forces to be withdrawn this spring
Posted: Feb 22, 2019 02:26 PM CST
Updated: Feb 24, 2019 11:05 AM CST


President Donald Trump has agreed to keep about 400 US troops in Syria after the withdrawal of most US forces there this spring, a senior administration official said Friday.

Trump agreed on Thursday to keep about 200 US troops as part of planned multinational force that would maintain a safe zone in northeastern Syria, the official said. This force would be in addition to the 200 troops the US is planning to maintain after the withdrawal at its base in at-Tanf, Syria, the official said.
Trump on Friday denied that the decision represented a reversal of his previous position.

Trump agreed on Thursday to keep about 200 US troops as part of planned multinational force that would maintain a safe zone in northeastern Syria, the official said.

To kudzu: Get real. The U.S. military is not a police force.

A Multinational force is a multinational operation which may be defensive, aggressive, or peacekeeping.


In every case “multinational force” is doublespeak for United Nations peacekeepers.

Note that President Clinton dared not use United Nations “peacekeepers” to kill Christians for Muslims in his Balkan Adventure; so he used NATO to sneak the U.N. in thru the backdoor. “U.N. Peacekeepers” are now entrenched in the Balkans.

Incidentally, millions of Muslims poured into Europe after the Balkan War ended.

President Clinton was guilty of Unlawful Command Influence (UCI) when he punished Michael New for refusing to wear a United Nations uniform. Clinton also violated the only oath of office required by the Constitution.

President Clinton’s use of NATO in his Balkan Adventure is a train wreck waiting to happen. More so because it originated with then-Senator Joe Biden.

During the 2008 presidential campaign, Biden said that he was the catalyst that changed the conditions in the Balkans fronted by President Clinton. True, or untrue, Biden claimed he was the guy who told Bill Clinton what to do in Bosnia. If true, he told Clinton to use NATO forces to bomb Christians.

NOTE: The Luftwaffe took part in the bombings. Wherever Reichsmarschall Goring was living at the time he must have cracked a smile from ear to ear when he heard the news that bombs were being dropped from Luftwaffe bombers.


Incidentally, do you think Biden will campaign on his stint as a Luftwaffe bombardier? I doubt it. Biden later watered down his catalyst comment. I assume Clinton wants full credit for his Balkan Adventures.

The inevitable train wreck in the Balkans notwithstanding, there is a slight possibility that NATO will serve a purpose under the right conditions. Conversely, the United Nations never served any useful purpose for the American people, nor will it do so in the future.

If you are one of those few Americans who still believe the U.N. is a force for good, list every major crisis since 1945 in two columns —— domestic and foreign. Resolve each crisis as though the United Nations never existed. I think you will be stunned by the similarities at how easily every crisis could have been resolved in this country’s favor had the United Nations NOT made every decision. Many crises never would have materialized had the United Nations never existed. It gets worse when you understand how every crisis solved by the U.N. is planned as a military objective aimed at the American people.

Should you not want to do my lists, at least do illegal aliens pouring through open-borders and the U.N.’s economic refugees. They are two major crises not one. Both were engineered by New World Order thinking. Both crises are approaching the unsolvable stage from the perspective of the American people. Both were set in motion to force the American people into accepting, and paying for, every immigrant and refugee as the status quo. In short: They became essential components in a well-designed incremental blueprint for giving the United Nations the authority to administer a global government.

In order to strengthen my case against the United Nations, I will include a self-explanatory excerpt that I posted dozens of times over the years. The only question is determining when the blueprint was drawn? Was it drawn the year the failed League of Nations was created in 1920? Was it drawn by the United Nations in 1945? Or was it drawn by bankers and press barons in the early 1950s? There is proof for all three, but I lean toward 1920.

David Rockefeller's 1991 Bilderberg
Quote...Ten Years Later

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."

He went on to explain:

"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."

-- David Rockefeller, Speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Germany (a meeting also attended by then-Governor Bill Clinton and by Dan Quayle
