APP - A thoughtful insight

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Thoughtful! I couldn't even finish it, bigotry and hate are powerful ways to control the minds of the easily led and the uneducated, and in the world they are the tools of charlatans. They cause no good and any reading of history should make this clear. This type of thinking is the source of much evil.

"The trouble with Eichmann was precisely that so many were like him, and that the many were neither perverted nor sadistic, that they were, and still are, terribly and terrifyingly normal. From the viewpoint of our legal institutions and of our moral standards of judgment, this normality was much more terrifying than all the atrocities put together." Hannah Arendt

"We first kill people with our minds, before we kill them with weapons. Whatever the conflict, the enemy is always the destroyer. We're on God's side; they're barbaric. We're good, they're evil. War gives us a feeling of moral clarity that we lack at other times." Sam Keen
Is that so?

Yes, Angela Merkel didn't invite the entire world into Germany. BPS even cites the Dalai Lama saying that the migrants must go back after they're educated. Yet he leaves out the part where Merkel says the same thing. The program she created allows in a certain number of migrants, not unlimited, and eventually they must leave Germany. He also lied about migrant crimes rates, as they're not responsible for half of the crime. He also says that liberal media no longer mentions the Dalai Lama after his politically incorrect comments on migrants, which is obviously not true, as the Dalai Lama is still beloved in the West and was on John Oliver's show only a year after he made those remarks.
Yes, Angela Merkel didn't invite the entire world into Germany. BPS even cites the Dalai Lama saying that the migrants must go back after they're educated. Yet he leaves out the part where Merkel says the same thing. The program she created allows in a certain number of migrants, not unlimited, and eventually they must leave Germany. He also lied about migrant crimes rates, as they're not responsible for half of the crime. He also says that liberal media no longer mentions the Dalai Lama after his politically incorrect comments on migrants, which is obviously not true, as the Dalai Lama is still beloved in the West and was on John Oliver's show only a year after he made those remarks.

I know trolls don't like hearing this, but if you make the claim, it's up to you to prove it.

Which part do you need proof for?

BPS lies a lot, and of course he lies in this video about migrant crime and immigration.

Angela Merkel didn't invite the entire world into Germany. The program she created allows in a certain number of migrants, not unlimited, and eventually they must leave Germany. He also lied about migrant crimes rates, as they're not responsible for half of the crime. He also says that liberal media no longer mentions the Dalai Lama after his politically incorrect comments on migrants, which is obviously not true, as the Dalai Lama is still beloved in the West and was on John Oliver's show only a year after he made those remarks.


Yes, but some things are common knowledge. I'm not going to provide proof that Angela Merkel is the chancellor of Germany, because I assume you already know that.

However, if I did make a claim that you don't believe, let me know, and I'll provide proof for that claim.
I'm not trolling or derailing.

I disagree. You claimed that the author of the video in the OP lied, and you refused to offer proof of your claim when challenged.

Leave the thread unless you are prepared to abide by the rules of APP, or I will report your transgressions.
I disagree. You claimed that the author of the video in the OP lied, and you refused to offer proof of your claim when challenged.

Leave the thread unless you are prepared to abide by the rules of APP, or I will report your transgressions.

I listed some of the things he lied about. You're claiming you need evidence, but you refuse to say which specific things you need evidence for. I asked you to be specific, because I have no problem providing proof, but instead you just started slandering me by changing my quotes. You're trolling and derailing by lying about me.

You already lost this thread, the best thing you can do now is apologize and promise not to break the rules again.
You have no proof that he lied, as far as I know. If you make the claim, the burden of proof is yours.

Unless you are prepared to abide by the rules of APP, you should stop posting here.

And like I said, I will provide evidence when you tell me which specific things you think are incorrect.

Are you going to apologize for changing my quotes?
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