A tragic death


Villified User
JoJo the frog croaks at age 23; private burial planned
By Amy Wilson

Related Story JoJo the frog: Full life by the kitchen light (Published Dec. 22)

JoJo the frog died quietly at home Thursday morning in Lexington after a lengthy illness. In an apparent attempt to spare the Luftman family that loved him, he died in their absence.

The family returned from a ski trip to find a note from a worried neighbor and the lifeless frog at around 1:30 a.m.

JoJo had been ensconced with the Luftmans for many years, residing in a small home on an island in the kitchen. He was the sole inhabitant of the island. While not born in Lexington, he did, however, attain froghood there, in full sight of the Luftmans’ four children, who were forever grateful for the science experiment he represented.

On Dec. 22, the Herald-Leader reported on JoJo’s life and his gentle slide toward demise. He was noteworthy for being a particularly long-lived specimen originally shipped as a tadpole by the GrowAFrog company.

Sadly, no Frenchmen died in the writing of this thread.

Especially their hookers.
