A two (2) year old thread about Yurt

Boy, the JPP Politics Forum has really gone down hill from it's once triple A international rating. All anybody talks about is 'Yurt', ... 'Yurt', ... 'Yurt'. Well, that and Jade Dragon and his groupie follower, Rat Ratterson.
(sad) :(
Boy, the JPP Politics Forum has really gone down hill from it's once triple A international rating. All anybody talks about is 'Yurt', ... 'Yurt', ... 'Yurt'. Well, that and Jade Dragon and his groupie follower, Rat Ratterson.
(sad) :(

Really? I have been here like 8 months and I have never seen Yurt mentioned once :orang:
Young whipper snappers should be seen and not heard!

Boy, the JPP Politics Forum has really gone down hill from it's once triple A international rating. All anybody talks about is 'Yurt', ... 'Yurt', ... 'Yurt'. Well, that and Jade Dragon and his groupie follower, Rat Ratterson.
(sad) :(

Now you just wait a minute there, son. You young whipper snappers are all alike. All you do is eat, shit and squawk! :chicken:
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