A Un Tax


Junior Member
The UN is trying to start an Internation tax on air travel. Should the UN be able to tax? Seems that would be a slippery slope to a one world order and well, considering how the world is now, not such a great idea.
They just want to extort more money. Fill their pockets with another corrupt scam. I want us out of the un as soon as posible.
The UN, just like most organizations, wants more power. Money begats power, just look at who our politicians are and think of the last time a "normal guy" ran for a powerful office. This is akin to their wanting to make gun control laws the same all over the world........or at least among UN represented nations and another reason I don't like the UN.
The UN is trying to start an Internation tax on air travel. Should the UN be able to tax? Seems that would be a slippery slope to a one world order and well, considering how the world is now, not such a great idea.

This is not new they have been trying to pull this off for years.

No, they should not be able to tax us or anyone else. But, that won't stop them from trying it and may not prevent them from accomplishing the task if our government caves into their demands.

This is one of the reasons I think we should get out. The next thing they will want is our first born children to fill spots in their army.

First born might be a little off the time line, but taking taxes is not that far away if we are not carefull.
They should rely on money from member nations only. Maybe the money should be required based on wealth or population, but how the hell are they going to enforce a tax anyway?