A Vote For Nixon


Well-known member
Totally random story. My wife's Grandfather is 91. He was born and raised in Mississippi (went to high school with Elvis) and then lived elsewhere later. He's just the nicest and sweetest man and Southern Gentleman you could hope to meet.

I never talked politics with him but it actually came up recently. I didn't say anything about myself and my beliefs but he said he has voted for only one Republican in his life, Nixon (I believe in '72), and he regrets it to this day. Totally made me laugh. Gotta respect someone still bitter over a vote from 50 years ago. (It would make sense that to win 49 states like Nixon did you had to have people who don't normally vote Republican supporting you.)

(It was interesting to hear first hand accounts of the racial strife and MLK and all he experienced living in Mississippi in the '60's. We can all read history in a book but hearing it from someone who lived it adds extra flavor.)
Totally random story. My wife's Grandfather is 91. He was born and raised in Mississippi (went to high school with Elvis) and then lived elsewhere later. He's just the nicest and sweetest man and Southern Gentleman you could hope to meet.

I never talked politics with him but it actually came up recently. I didn't say anything about myself and my beliefs but he said he has voted for only one Republican in his life, Nixon (I believe in '72), and he regrets it to this day. Totally made me laugh. Gotta respect someone still bitter over a vote from 50 years ago. (It would make sense that to win 49 states like Nixon did you had to have people who don't normally vote Republican supporting you.)

(It was interesting to hear first hand accounts of the racial strife and MLK and all he experienced living in Mississippi in the '60's. We can all read history in a book but hearing it from someone who lived it adds extra flavor.)

I suspect if Nixon were still alive and ran today there are people who would vote for him. Even knowing everything we know about Nixon. History isn't repeating, it's spiraled off into a bizarro universe.

But point well taken: history is so much more real when you hear it from people who lived it. Something I didn't make enough use of when I still had my grandma and my folks around.