A War Against Communism Led by Trump


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A War Against Communism Led by Trump
Dec. 3, 2020 | By Wu Wen(Minghui.org)

Both ancient Greek tragedian Euripides and Chinese sage Laozi had said, “Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad.” Such is an accurate description of the U.S. general election in 2020 – the battle between the United States and communism. Trump has been leading the U.S. in fighting communism and restoring traditional values, while his opponents are doing everything possible to try to stop him and to turn the U.S. into a socialist country.

After decades-long infiltration of the West, communist elements have begun to surface across American society in an attempt to take over the free world. First, socialists and associated deep state forces engaged in a systematic fraud in the election. Second, the left-wing news media has aggressively censored information about the fraud and misled the public to think the election is over, with their candidate winning the race. As a result, the voters’ rights, the U.S. Constitution, and the free world are all in jeopardy.

The U.S. is a society established on faith. As chaotic as it may appear on the surface, this is also an opportunity for each of us to ask ourselves: what is my role in this drama?

A Socialist Coup by the Left-Wing Media

Since November 7, the mainstream media has behaved like the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s propaganda machine, that is, openly ignoring the facts, spreading lies, and suppressing different opinions.

More specifically, the left-wing media and socialists are creating and spreading a false narrative that Biden has won and would take over the White House, when in fact there are still many legal challenges pending and a winner has not been officially declared by Congress. To achieve this goal, the media, which does not have any legal authority to call the election, produced many overwhelmingly positive reports about Biden and the Democratic party, all the while ignoring growing evidence of election fraud. Biden has also started using the President-elect title to announce his cabinet picks and have conversations with foreign leaders.

President Trump, who has condemned the large-scale fraud, declared, “Legal votes decide who is president, not the news media.”

However, the mainstream media blocked Trump’s speeches, the White House’s statements, and White House Press Secretary’s live broadcasts. Tech giants Twitter, Facebook, and Google also censored the posts of Trump’s supporters and even Trump himself about sworn affidavits from witnesses regarding the fraud.

This is part of the political divisiveness during the entire four years of the Trump presidency, in which the mainstream media and the “Democratic Socialist Party of America,” have been trying to remove Trump from office, said retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn on November 28 during an interview with WVWTV.

This is a coup conducted by the media against the free world by overturning our belief in the common good. “This is still a coup in progress,” Flynn explained. With the “hundreds and hundreds” of American patriots across the country coming forward to offer their witness testimony, he believes “we’re going to see some momentum changing here.”

A Large Scale Digital Fraud That Might Be Linked to the CCP

Media both in the U.S. and China keep telling people that there is no evidence of systematic fraud and that a few individual fraud cases cannot impact the overall election result. However, the election fraud did not just concern a few individuals, but a widespread one.

The cases that have been revealed are astonishing:


MIT PhD Shiva published a video on November 10, pointing out that his team analyzed the votes of four counties in Michigan and found at least 69,000 votes for Trump were counted under Biden by the vote tallying software. In three large counties, Oakland, Macomb, and Kent, as soon as the Republican votes exceeded 20 percent, the software’s algorithm began to automatically reduce Trump’s votes. The higher the Republican support was in the region, the higher the percentage of vote tampering. Shiva’s team sent a public request online to verify with both Trump and Biden. {2}

Melissa Carone, an employee of Dominion which supplied voting machines to many states and counties, was assigned to provide technical support at Detroit. She signed an affidavit on November 10, stating that she had witnessed many vote scanner operators scanning the same ballot 4-5 times. She also saw two vans pulling in to “deliver food,” but never saw any food coming out of the vans. Shortly after, Michigan claimed that it had discovered 100,000 more ballots. (Trump’s personal attorney and former New York Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, confirmed that other witnesses made the same allegation, that these vans unloaded about 100,000 ballots). She also saw workers filling out ballots and signing them. {3}

Giuliani stated at a press conference on November 19, “in Pennsylvania, where we have probably our most precise evidence, 682,770 of these ballots were cast, put in, and they weren’t inspected, which renders the ballots that are null and void, cannot be counted, have to be removed from the vote… (I)n Michigan and Wisconsin, we have overvotes (number of votes is more than number of eligible voters) in numerous precincts, of 150%, 200%, and 300%.” {4}

Sidney Powell, an attorney and former federal prosecutor, at the same press conference, revealed a “massive influence of communist money through Venezuela, Cuba, and likely China in the interference with our elections here in the United States.” “The Dominion voting systems, the Smartmatic technology software and the software that goes in other computerized voting systems here in as well, not just Dominion, were created in Venezuela at the direction of Hugo Chavez to make sure he never lost an election.” A witness who had observed how Chavez cheated elections using the system came out. Over thirty states, including all the swing states, used Dominion software in this election.{5}

“(I)f you look at the level of evidence that has been provided by these affidavits — hundreds of affidavits that corroborate events that have happened on the ground — in a summary judgment phase of these cases, you have to take the evidence of the plaintiff as being true,” Trey Trainor, Chair of the Federal Election Committee, told Just the News AM television show on November 20. “So, the massive amounts of affidavits that we see in these cases show that there was in fact fraud that took place. And the other side really needs to answer these questions.” {6}

Renowned attorney Lin Wood tweeted on November 12:“Our country is at war with Communist China. A war of good v. evil.China attacked us with Covid – a biological weapon.Covid was excuse to control our lifestyles.Dominion was Communist voting system used to control our election.” {7}

Deep State – The U.S.-style Communists
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