A World Stood up to Beijing, A Conversation with Miles Yu | Zooming in with Simone G


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A World Stood up to Beijing, A Conversation with Miles Yu | Zooming in with Simone Gao


Zooming In with Simone Gao

Dr. Miles Yu, director of the China Center at Hudson Institute, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s top China advisor summed up the increasingly tense situation over the Taiwan Strait in three sentences: Bullying a small country will never work as the small will gain more inner strength and external support; America and its allies will defend Taiwan; Taiwan, never give in to threats and bully. Dr. Yu was appointed director of a new China Center at the Hudson Institute last month. He said this new China Center is a product of a unique moment in US history when America’s attitude, understanding and resolve to face the Chinese party has reached an unprecedented national consensus. Simone discussed this unique historical moment, heightened tension in the Taiwan Strait and China’s top power struggle before the Party’s 20th national congress with Miles.