ABC "Fact Checking"

During the ABC debate, Trump made reference to Governor Ralph Northam's push for post-birth abortion. Kriminala's teammate moderator promptly "fact checked" Trump, dishonestly goal-post-shifting an announcement that nowhere is post-delivery abortion legal ... which is not anything that Trump claimed.

In the video below, Ralph Northam explains his push for post-delivery abortion:

You're using the usual edited hatchet job video from YouTube.
You're using the usual edited hatchet job video from YouTube.
Nope, but nice try. That was Northam's position, and he was defending Delegate Kathy Tran's bill that would legalize all abortion up until birth, and would ease restrictions by requiring only one doctor to OK it.

Nope, but nice try. That was Northam's position, and he was defending Delegate Kathy Tran's bill that would legalize all abortion up until birth, and would ease restrictions by requiring only one doctor to OK it.

Nine states and DC have no restriction on abortion based on gestational duration.