APP - ABCs poll

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
As I suspected, Crooked ILLary NEVER had a 12 point lead over Trump. As the data shows, ABC rigged its poll.

You can see in ABCs recent poll that Trump has erased 10 points on Crooked ILLary. Bear in mind this poll was taken BEFORE Friday's announcement. Now ABC claims this

“Changes in the poll’s latest four nights compared with the previous four are not mainly about people shifting in their candidate preference, but about changes in who’s intending to vote.”​

Now, if you look at these numbers 4% say they are not likely to vote. Obviously that doesn't get us to a 10% change.

Did ABC rig its original poll? I am happy to listen to any REASONABLE suggestions. Remember this is APP.
They saw in their unreleased polling that the wheels were rapidly coming off hrc campaign and so they had to change their released polling to avoid looking bad.
HUMAGATE is not even the straw that broke things but it certainly will impact the margin of defeat.