Abolish police


As we all Know, GOD, In His infinite, unfathomable wisdom, chooses to allow rapists to rape and murderers to murder because intervening would interfere with their free will (to rape and to murder*). If you are not free to rape, how free are you, truly? Not free to enslave someone? Absurd. How can there be freedom without slavery? That's why GOD allows it to happen. And since Godliness is goodness, and we should all aspire to be As Godlike As possible, we shouldn't interfere with rapists, murderers, and slave drivers either. If a wise man who imitated our Dear, All Loving Savior by simply staring and watching as a child got murdered in front of his eyes, and, when questioned, offered the explanation for his behavior that he didn't want to interfere with the free will of the murderer (to murder the child), he would probably get stoned to death. And this is horrific, a sign of our degenerate modern society that Hates GOD In it's heart. For he was simply doing What God Does at every single tragedy that's ever occurred. God Is infinitely powerful; therefore, logically, ending all suffering in the world would be infinitely easier for him than you lifting your finger. The fact that God chooses not to lift his finger to save that child is just further proof of the justice of that child's death. Clearly, if you condemn this man, you are evilly condemning our God. Who are you to Question The LORD? How dare you? Me and Jesus Will enjoy hearing your screams as you burn in hell. :)

*This also shows the degeneracy of the logic that "your freedom to swing your fists stops at the end of my nose". This is clearly NOT the standard that Our LORD Applies. He doesn't interfere with someone's freedom in order to protect the freedom of others, and neither should we. Doing so is EVIL, and you will burn in hell for it.
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Why did tsunami happen to Japan? God didn't want to interefere with the freedom of the Tsunami (to kill people), obviously. The Japanese deserved to die. We should celebrate the justice of the senseless death of innocents, these 15,760 divine judgements, as we Celebrate He Who defines good and love, had the power to stop it more easily than you can imagine, and chose to do nothing but watch.
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Why did tsunami happen to Japan? God didn't want to interefere with the freedom of the Tsunami (to kill people), obviously. The Japanese deserved to die. We should celebrate the justice of the senseless death of innocents, these 15,760 divine judgements, as we Celebrate He Who defines good and love, had the power to stop it more easily than you can imagine, and chose to do nothing but watch.

Such is the wisdom of Yog-Sothoth.
At least the God of the Book of Job, who let's evil happen, and even causes it himself, because "Fuck you, how dare you question me!" is logically consistent. An omni-loving God who doesn't interfere with freedom in order to protect the freedom of others is idiotic. I once heard the explanation that "It's like you love them so much, you want them to freely choose what is right, and they keep letting you down!" Really? You have the ability to predict the future, and we let you down? What were you expecting?

Anyway, I don't think many people would be sympathetic if anyone but God just sat their and watched the child get murdered, and gave as their explanation that they loved the child murderer too much to stop him from murderering the child. I mean, you're God. Think creatively. If you really don't want to kill him, you can use non-lethal methods of incapacitation just as easily. You could even simply put a shield up, doing nothing but protecting the child from the murderer, allowing the murderer all the freedom in the world but the freedom to kill the child. But you refuse to do even that. If we do not condemn God for this, why should we condemn anyone else who simply sits and watches evil happen and does nothing to stop it? For they are merely doing as God does.

Others have said, no, it's not God's responsibility to keep you from doing bad things. So, let's turn back to our righteous God imitating man, and hear him say, as an explanation for his refusing to stop the child murderer, "It's not my responsibility to keep you from killing that kid!" Well, I'd disagree with you there. It is your responsibility, if you have the power to prevent evil, to stop it. Even if it wasn't, by refusing to do anything, especially when there's zero risk to yourself and it would've been the easiest thing imaginable to prevent it, I don't think it can be said of you that you're a good person, much less the most good person possible. Again, it's logic that is nothing but a desperate attempt to shield God from any and all responsibility for anything at all.

The free will argument is also a completely vacuous theodicy simply because it does nothing to address natural causes of evil. God doesn't heal you because it would interfere with the bacteria's free will (to kill you)? Allows the tsunami to suffocate thousands of innocent people because it would interfere with the tsunami's free will (to kill you)? Absurd. Now, you are not only ridiculously allowing people the freedom to take away the freedom of others, you are allowing natural phenomena without will the freedom to do so. What is the difference between a universe in which this God of nothing exists and a universe in which there's no God?

All hail Cthulhu!
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