Abolish work requirements to raise wages


You know logically all of our work requirements on all of our welfare programs place an extreme downward pressure on wages. Jobs become this privileges that corporations can hand out in order for people to get access to the vastness of the welfare state. Whereas if you're not working your considered less than human. So people desperately seek jobs, the demand for jobs goes up compared to the supply, and thus it puts a downward pressure on wages. This is all intentional. Whereas if there weren't work requirements, or it weren't a fucking tax credit or whatever that you can only get if you have a job, people would still work, they just wouldn't desperately accept shit jobs just to get healthcare. And thus employers might have to raise wages to attract applicants, rather than just expecting everyone to desperately run to them because of the aid from uncle sam they have the unique privilege to dole out.
So people desperately seek jobs, the demand for jobs goes up compared to the supply, and thus it puts a downward pressure on wages.

There are more jobs available than the number of unemployed people.

A welfare recipient who is attending adult education classes to get a GED for their work requirement is not putting any downward pressure on wages.