If a coal miner's tax dollars shouldn't pay for PBS, then should an auto worker's tax dollars pay to clean up yet another toxic coal sludge disaster?
If a coal miner's tax dollars shouldn't pay for PBS, then should an auto worker's tax dollars pay to clean up yet another toxic coal sludge disaster?
Car batteries are recycled, and the lead re used. Hell...I got $15 bucks for old deep cycle batteries at the height of the scrap market a few years ago.The coal miner's tax dollars pay to clean-up oil spoils and car battery disposal.
Car batteries are recycled, and the lead re used. Hell...I got $15 bucks for old deep cycle batteries at the height of the scrap market a few years ago.
Oil spills have nothing to do with auto manufacturing, but you make a great argument when trump asks if oil drillers' money should fund Big Bird.