About Topspin


Worst gambler ever
Things I've learned about our friend Topspin:

He can't spell.

He certainly wasn't a "communication" major in college.

He digs anorexic broads.

He feels invalid as a man unless he has a girlfriend/wife.

He likes the movie "Joe Dirt".

He wears hotpants when he heads to the tennis court.

He "married to tens".

He likes his pot.

He has a thing about riverboat captains....

What else?
LOL from king white trash carney man himself. Lofl
wait your going to tell me you didn't marry till after 30 and aren't a loser.
Things I've learned about our friend Topspin:

He can't spell.

He certainly wasn't a "communication" major in college.

He digs anorexic broads.

He feels invalid as a man unless he has a girlfriend/wife.

He likes the movie "Joe Dirt".

He wears hotpants when he heads to the tennis court.

He "married to tens".

He likes his pot.

He has a thing about riverboat captains....

What else?

He thinks he is 'Ritchie Rich'
As he counts his pennies he imagines dollars!
He thinks he is hung like his tennis balls!
He plays with his pee pee in the tee pee!
His wife gives him a new racket every Christmas...someday he will actually find the Tennis Court!:cof1:
A loser compares his life to others hoping to find happy people "lacking" in some way and assumes that their version of success is the only possible version.

And before you go there....

I married at 29 and yes, we've actually had sex.
A loser compares his life to others hoping to find happy people "lacking" in some way and assumes that their version of success is the only possible version.

And before you go there....

I married at 29 and yes, we've actually had sex.

:shock: Thats not what Mrs.Damo said...she said she thought you meant you were majoring in 'Sex Ed'...not PC Gremlins!:D
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LOL from king white trash carney man himself. Lofl
wait your going to tell me you didn't marry till after 30 and aren't a loser.

I'm not married.

Another thing about topspin:

He doesn't understand remedial punctuation.
Why are people who "don't start fights, finish them" always in fights?

Is it because they start them, and let useless ones drag on for ages for no other purpose than personal pride?

You decide.
I figured you for real high school maybe community college. Never would have guessed you were as dumb as a smoker though.
good luck with that
Seriously, I failed at smoking. Tried it at 15 and it made me sick. I wanted to be cool like the other kids. Boxing coach was pissed.
LOL from king white trash carney man himself. Lofl
wait your going to tell me you didn't marry till after 30 and aren't a loser.

Carney Man??!!


I used to do that, but I've since moved up the ladder. I'm now unemployed. I've been telling you this for months.

Get it through your thick head dammit!! I'm NOT a carney anymore! I'm UNEMPLOYED!!! Sheesh.