why do you liken womens rights with Nazis feces mouth
Um the picture shows the league of Nazi Socialist women they always wore white to functions also!
? Tell me...what do you like best about the KittyKatKlan?you would know Nazi
is one your mom?
That is why they wore white to show the world how many women the Democratic party voters promoted to power
then the world could contrast the republican assholes all wearing dark suits and sporting gray hair
You are the old white man racist party
fuck you racist sociopaths
the world hates your fucking asses
you would know Nazi
is one your mom?
It is becoming more and more obvious that the far right realizes it is losing the culture war. They are becoming desperate...and posting crap like this thread.
The American right are the Nazi-like people.
The only thing missing from Trump rallies are shouts of Heil Trump. Well...maybe they do not use the Nazi salute as often as they want...but this next election may well see more of that.
Um the picture shows the league of Nazi Socialist women they always wore white to functions also!
Democrat fall back position, call them nazis!
Democrat fall back position, call them nazis!