Abramoff Off To Jail


Junior Member
And Reid sticking with his story. I was going to vote that way anyway. That $200,000 didn't influence my vote! To bad Ney didn't think of that excuse.

>>As convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff reported to federal prison today, a source close to the investigation surrounding his activities told ABC News that Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) was one of the members of Congress Abramoff had allegedly implicated in his cooperation with federal prosecutors

Wasn't that Reid (beside Murtha) when the new Speaker make her speech about a clean congress? LOL
It's not a bribe unless there is an agreement in advance to vote a certain way in exchange for money....

lobbyists give tons of money to candidates all the time..... it only buys them access...it does not buy them votes. Good lobbyists believe that if they have the access, that they can make their case and convince legislators of the wisdom of voting FOR their pet legislation.

And good lobbyists oftentimes can.