ACB Bad —— JFK Good


Verified User




NOTE: The good Catholic stole the election in 1960.

Once again Democrats are raising their battle flag:

Imagine the hypocrisy after Barrett’s nomination is official:

President Donald Trump is reportedly expected to nominate federal appeals court Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

The president is scheduled to officially announce his choice on Saturday at 5 p.m. But on Friday evening, CNN, CBS News, and PBS, quoting sources, reported that Trump’s pick is Barrett.

Trump Plans to Nominate Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court, Reports Say
Jackie Kucinich
Published Sep. 25, 2020 5:19PM ET

On the bright side Democrat hypocrites will play hell if they accuse Amy Barrett of sexual misconduct:

I'd rather fuck Amy than JFK so.....there you go.

I know it's simple but I have other shit to focus on so I gotta keep it simple.
I'd rather fuck Amy than JFK so.....there you go.

I know it's simple but I have other shit to focus on so I gotta keep it simple.

I'd think you'd rather fuck Amy than JFK.
That's because you'd have to wait in line behind Marylin Monroe. Can't blame him for pounding that...
Dems like JFK because he was a shitty Catholic. The best thing that can be said about him is that he was a 4th Degree Knight. I guess that qualifies as being part of a cult.
Dems like JFK because he was a shitty Catholic. The best thing that can be said about him is that he was a 4th Degree Knight. I guess that qualifies as being part of a cult.

Well, he did do Marylin Monroe...

Many Dems would hate him if he were an Evangelical. They seem to single us out...
Amy Coney Barrett: ‘I Love the United States and I Love the United States Constitution
by Joshua Caplan
26 Sep 2020

It does not take much to love the Constitution more than did Ginsburg:

The Question is —— Does Chief Justice John Roberts love the Constitution as much as does ACB?

Repealing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 was a snap for most Americans BEFORE Chief Justice John Roberts said it was a constitutional tax.

The real battle for Democrats comes if 82 year old Stephen G. Breyer checks out before 2024 —— or at any time Republicans hold the presidency and control the Senate.

Bottom line: The score must be a firm 7 strict constitutionalists versus two Democrats before Americans get their country back. As it stands now, and in the foreseeable future, the High Court refuses to address anything Democrats want. A long list of unconstitutional questions accumulated since 1913. The SCOTUS deliberately avoided every question. The issues on this partial list are well-known by most Americans:

1. Unconstitutional mail-in voting.

2. Tens of millions illegal aliens.

3. Open orders.

4. National sovereignty.

5. Roe v. Wade.

6. The federal government in education.

7. The welfare state.

8. Funding political causes with tax dollars.

9. Subsidizing alternative energy industries.

10. Interpreting the Constitution as though this country is a democracy.

Basically, Democrats in Congress and in state legislatures pass everything they want. If they cannot legislate their agenda activist judges give it to them. One way or another the SCOTUS calls everything constitutional except individual liberties.
Early Socialist planners planted the misconception in the late 19th century when they set out to acquire political power incrementally, while Communists preferred violent revolution.

Whether or not Amy Coney Barrrett is confirmed every American owes her a debt of gratitude. Because of ACB the most heard public voice in the world made it easier for lesser public voices to speak out:

Search high and low and you will have a hard time finding a public voice with the courage to call today’s violence a COMMUNIST REVOLUTION.

Finally, when President Trump clarified Communist opposition in stark terms he put Socialism/Communism criminality on the table for the first time —— i.e. punishable crimes far beyond exercises in philosophy.
Search high and low and you will have a hard time finding a public voice with the courage to call today’s violence a COMMUNIST REVOLUTION.​

Public voices are emerging.

"The Marching Morons" is a science fiction story by Cyril M. Kornbluth that was published in 1951. It involves a man who is accidentally put into suspended animation and awakens hundreds of years later to a society in which the average IQ is around 45. I'm not sure whether the writers for the 2006 film "Idiocracy" had this in mind when they penned their screenplay, but the two themes are quite similar, save that the film was a comedy, and the 1951 novella definitely was not.

I imagine it was the "marching" part of the title that led to my making a mental connection between the shambling idiot masses in the story and the shambling idiot masses who continue to engage in violent demonstrations across the country. Like many deluded and dangerous individuals and groups throughout history, however, they really do believe they're in the right.

It's actually quite sad when you're aware of the history: The Western republics that emerged from the Age of Enlightenment wrested power from Old World oligarchs and installed it with the governed. Inasmuch as these agencies had held power for many centuries (through monarchies, though not exclusively so), the notion of self-governance was truly novel and unique for that time. Over the next 300 years, nations in the West enjoyed an unprecedented level of intellectual, technological and cultural growth, as well as unprecedented prosperity.

A little over two centuries later, however, and the governed are apparently prepared to hand that power back – willingly – to the oligarchs.

Obviously, this isn't something that came about as the result of careful deliberation. Populations in the West have become willing to surrender their power because they've been systematically deceived through socialist propaganda and social engineering.

I've said for many years that if we want to know where America is going in terms of where leftists would like to take us, we need just look to Europe, because socialists gained a foothold there many decades before the same occurred here. As early as the late 1800s, when America was still rebuilding after the Civil War and reestablishing a national identity, socialists and communists had already been recognized as legitimate political interests in places like the United Kingdom.

Thus, from the end of World War II on, socialists have had almost unfettered influence on public policy in Europe, and we can readily see how this has led to the speedy decline on that continent by every conceivable metric.

Unfortunately, American school children aren't taught much if anything about the Enlightenment era any longer. Nor are they taught about the Magna Carta, the 1215 charter of rights that was the forerunner of later guarantors of civil liberties, such as our Constitution.

Over the last several decades, of course, teaching this history has been deemed too Eurocentric, and thus racist. How convenient. Socialists – and here, I mean those who self-identify as socialist, communist, liberal or progressive – have had a great deal of success crying racism in order to intimidate us into acceding to their demands. Now, Americans are essentially being told that they're racists if they don't support the emergent communist revolution being orchestrated by the Deep State interests that mobilized Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters.

Those familiar with how leftists operate are aware that there's always an imperative for identifying some enemy upon which they can hang the pain of the downtrodden "masses." In the Old World monarchies and oligarchies of Europe, it was often fairly easy to find such an enemy, since the self-serving autocracy of these governments typically left huge swaths of citizens completely disenfranchised.

In the modern, Western republics however, this was a more difficult proposition due to the significantly higher level of prosperity in these nations. Enemies had to be invented, economies sabotaged, and factions of various persuasions had to be set against each other. Gaining control of educational systems was paramount in this sense, as it facilitated the indoctrination of future generations into socialist orthodoxy.

Which pretty much brings us to where we are today. These days, it's a foregone conclusion that the younger a person is, the more likely it is that they've been thoroughly indoctrinated by the left. The young fools engaging in rioting and mayhem in our cities are indeed morons, but they're not morons because they were born with bad brains. They're morons because their intellectual processes have been effectively hobbled by a poisonous doctrine, absolutism and a proclivity for engaging their emotions rather than reason. At this point, many are no more able to engage critical thinking than I am able to safely land a fighter jet on the deck of an aircraft carrier in choppy seas.

Bereft of an objective, foundational basis for history – even recent history – these young revolutionaries are also blissfully unaware of what socialist leaders typically do once they've coalesced their power and neutralized all internal opposition. Those who've been fortunate enough to enjoy a real education (or who've read George Orwell's "1984") will be well-aware of this machination.

When socialist leaders have coalesced their power and neutralized all internal opposition, they turn their attention toward external enemies, real or (more frequently) imagined. This is the only way they're able to distract the citizenry's attention away from socialism's failure and keep from getting strung up like Mussolini. We saw this in spades while the Soviet Union was in existence: The squalor and poverty in which most Russians and the citizens of Soviet bloc nations existed was never the fault of communism – it was the fault of Western capitalists. This still goes on in nations like Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela and to a somewhat lesser extent, China.

Also quite often, the revolutionaries who were so instrumental in bringing about the revolution are purged – and by this I mean killed en masse – because they're considered too dangerous to have hanging around.

President Donald Trump recently announced the formation of his 1776 Commission on Patriotic Education. To some extent, this in response to The New York Times' racialist 1619 Project and colleges that have institutionalized radical thought and the demonization of everything traditionally American.

Such a measure is definitely long overdue, but it's going to take a great deal more than that to repair the 60 years of damage that's been done. If the last four years have taught us anything, it's that leftist rot has permeated our society to such a degree that it may take truly unpleasant measures to excise same. And despite the gravity of our situation, I still harbor great concern that we do not possess the collective will to take the requisite action.

And the morons march on …
Exclusive: Erik Rush on the 'emergent communist revolution' and the odds of stopping it
By Erik Rush
Published September 30, 2020 at 7:26pm

Erik Rush along with all too few public voices are right on target with one glaring failure —— “. . . requisite action. . .” must begin by incorporating the following steps in their commentaries in order to defeat The Moron Class (The Parasite Class).

1. Repeal the XVI Amendment because the tax on income feeds the morons.

2. Repeal the XVII Amendment and you will never see another Communist president like Joe Biden in the Oval Office.

3. Withdraw from the United Nations and Americans will finally break Europe’s influence over our domestic and foreign policies.

4. Use NATO to defeat Communism in Europe or withdraw.

NOTE: NATO was formed to defend against Soviet Communists. If and when the U.S. military fights to protect and defend NATO members the American people are keeping European Communism alive.

One question: Does Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett see the clear connection between the Constitution and the unconstitutional Communist Revolution? I cannot answer for ACB, while I am convinced American Communists see —— and fear —— ACB ruling against every element of the Communist Revolution when they get to the Court in cases involving the First and Second Amendments to name a few.

Those familiar with how leftists operate are aware that there's always an imperative for identifying some enemy upon which they can hang the pain of the downtrodden "masses."

Communists immediately identified three enemies in ACB’s case —— the always popular racism, Catholicism, and overturning Roe v. Wade.
One needs a scorecard to keep track of all the whacked out sources in that post, well, least he didn't use "RT" or other Russian websites, well, at least as far as we know
5. Roe v. Wade.

Now I get it. Pass the legislation after the SCOTUS upholds a non-existent law:

“We don't know exactly what she will do, although the expectation is that she may very well move to overrule Roe," Biden said Monday during an NBC town hall. "The only responsible response to that would be to pass legislation making Roe the law of the land."

The two-term vice president and the 36-year Delaware senator first vowed to codify Roe in 2019 after reversing his stance on the Hyde Amendment.

Biden vows to ensure Roe v. Wade remains 'law of the land'
by Naomi Lim, Political Reporter |
October 05, 2020 10:10 PM

Democrats already have enough judges dictating perverse morality willy-nilly. So why does Brain Dead Biden want to pack the court? Answer: More is better.
Finally, when President Trump clarified Communist opposition in stark terms he put Socialism/Communism criminality on the table for the first time —— i.e. punishable crimes far beyond exercises in philosophy.

Now if only President Trump can catch Cory Booker sleeping in his native soil he can drive a stake in the vampire’s heart:

Democrats Hiss In Terror As ACB Pulls Out Crucifix
October 12th, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Amy Coney Barrett has eloquently defended herself through the Senate confirmation hearings this morning. But as Dems grew increasingly vicious, she was forced to turn to desperate measures.

After several hours of hearings, Barrett pulled out a large crucifix and held it aloft. A light shone from the heavens, and the Democrats knew they were defeated.

They shrunk back and began to hiss. "Noooo!" cried Senator Richard Blumenthal. "It burns us! Take it away!" He dove under his desk to hide from its light.

"Agggghhhh!!!" screamed Senator Cory Booker, his skin sizzling at the sight of Jesus on the cross. "I'll get you one day, Barrett!"

"Looks like Booker's blasting off again!" he shouted as he jumped through the wall like the Kool-Aid Man in an attempt to escape the burning.

Senator Mazie Hirono made a loud hissing noise and growled at the cross. Her head began to turn around and around like a demonic owl. Then, she vomited pea soup.

Public voices are emerging.

"The Marching Morons" is a science fiction story by Cyril M. Kornbluth that was published in 1951. It involves a man who is accidentally put into suspended animation and awakens hundreds of years later to a society in which the average IQ is around 45. I'm not sure whether the writers for the 2006 film "Idiocracy" had this in mind when they penned their screenplay, but the two themes are quite similar, save that the film was a comedy, and the 1951 novella definitely was not.

I imagine it was the "marching" part of the title that led to my making a mental connection between the shambling idiot masses in the story and the shambling idiot masses who continue to engage in violent demonstrations across the country. Like many deluded and dangerous individuals and groups throughout history, however, they really do believe they're in the right.

It's actually quite sad when you're aware of the history: The Western republics that emerged from the Age of Enlightenment wrested power from Old World oligarchs and installed it with the governed. Inasmuch as these agencies had held power for many centuries (through monarchies, though not exclusively so), the notion of self-governance was truly novel and unique for that time. Over the next 300 years, nations in the West enjoyed an unprecedented level of intellectual, technological and cultural growth, as well as unprecedented prosperity.

A little over two centuries later, however, and the governed are apparently prepared to hand that power back – willingly – to the oligarchs.

Obviously, this isn't something that came about as the result of careful deliberation. Populations in the West have become willing to surrender their power because they've been systematically deceived through socialist propaganda and social engineering.

I've said for many years that if we want to know where America is going in terms of where leftists would like to take us, we need just look to Europe, because socialists gained a foothold there many decades before the same occurred here. As early as the late 1800s, when America was still rebuilding after the Civil War and reestablishing a national identity, socialists and communists had already been recognized as legitimate political interests in places like the United Kingdom.

Thus, from the end of World War II on, socialists have had almost unfettered influence on public policy in Europe, and we can readily see how this has led to the speedy decline on that continent by every conceivable metric.

Unfortunately, American school children aren't taught much if anything about the Enlightenment era any longer. Nor are they taught about the Magna Carta, the 1215 charter of rights that was the forerunner of later guarantors of civil liberties, such as our Constitution.

Over the last several decades, of course, teaching this history has been deemed too Eurocentric, and thus racist. How convenient. Socialists – and here, I mean those who self-identify as socialist, communist, liberal or progressive – have had a great deal of success crying racism in order to intimidate us into acceding to their demands. Now, Americans are essentially being told that they're racists if they don't support the emergent communist revolution being orchestrated by the Deep State interests that mobilized Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters.

Those familiar with how leftists operate are aware that there's always an imperative for identifying some enemy upon which they can hang the pain of the downtrodden "masses." In the Old World monarchies and oligarchies of Europe, it was often fairly easy to find such an enemy, since the self-serving autocracy of these governments typically left huge swaths of citizens completely disenfranchised.

In the modern, Western republics however, this was a more difficult proposition due to the significantly higher level of prosperity in these nations. Enemies had to be invented, economies sabotaged, and factions of various persuasions had to be set against each other. Gaining control of educational systems was paramount in this sense, as it facilitated the indoctrination of future generations into socialist orthodoxy.

Which pretty much brings us to where we are today. These days, it's a foregone conclusion that the younger a person is, the more likely it is that they've been thoroughly indoctrinated by the left. The young fools engaging in rioting and mayhem in our cities are indeed morons, but they're not morons because they were born with bad brains. They're morons because their intellectual processes have been effectively hobbled by a poisonous doctrine, absolutism and a proclivity for engaging their emotions rather than reason. At this point, many are no more able to engage critical thinking than I am able to safely land a fighter jet on the deck of an aircraft carrier in choppy seas.

Bereft of an objective, foundational basis for history – even recent history – these young revolutionaries are also blissfully unaware of what socialist leaders typically do once they've coalesced their power and neutralized all internal opposition. Those who've been fortunate enough to enjoy a real education (or who've read George Orwell's "1984") will be well-aware of this machination.

When socialist leaders have coalesced their power and neutralized all internal opposition, they turn their attention toward external enemies, real or (more frequently) imagined. This is the only way they're able to distract the citizenry's attention away from socialism's failure and keep from getting strung up like Mussolini. We saw this in spades while the Soviet Union was in existence: The squalor and poverty in which most Russians and the citizens of Soviet bloc nations existed was never the fault of communism – it was the fault of Western capitalists. This still goes on in nations like Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela and to a somewhat lesser extent, China.

Also quite often, the revolutionaries who were so instrumental in bringing about the revolution are purged – and by this I mean killed en masse – because they're considered too dangerous to have hanging around.

President Donald Trump recently announced the formation of his 1776 Commission on Patriotic Education. To some extent, this in response to The New York Times' racialist 1619 Project and colleges that have institutionalized radical thought and the demonization of everything traditionally American.

Such a measure is definitely long overdue, but it's going to take a great deal more than that to repair the 60 years of damage that's been done. If the last four years have taught us anything, it's that leftist rot has permeated our society to such a degree that it may take truly unpleasant measures to excise same. And despite the gravity of our situation, I still harbor great concern that we do not possess the collective will to take the requisite action.

And the morons march on …
Exclusive: Erik Rush on the 'emergent communist revolution' and the odds of stopping it
By Erik Rush
Published September 30, 2020 at 7:26pm

Erik Rush along with all too few public voices are right on target with one glaring failure —— “. . . requisite action. . .” must begin by incorporating the following steps in their commentaries in order to defeat The Moron Class (The Parasite Class).

1. Repeal the XVI Amendment because the tax on income feeds the morons.

2. Repeal the XVII Amendment and you will never see another Communist president like Joe Biden in the Oval Office.

3. Withdraw from the United Nations and Americans will finally break Europe’s influence over our domestic and foreign policies.

4. Use NATO to defeat Communism in Europe or withdraw.

NOTE: NATO was formed to defend against Soviet Communists. If and when the U.S. military fights to protect and defend NATO members the American people are keeping European Communism alive.

One question: Does Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett see the clear connection between the Constitution and the unconstitutional Communist Revolution? I cannot answer for ACB, while I am convinced American Communists see —— and fear —— ACB ruling against every element of the Communist Revolution when they get to the Court in cases involving the First and Second Amendments to name a few.

Those familiar with how leftists operate are aware that there's always an imperative for identifying some enemy upon which they can hang the pain of the downtrodden "masses."

Communists immediately identified three enemies in ACB’s case —— the always popular racism, Catholicism, and overturning Roe v. Wade.

Thoughtful post. Thank you.