Accentuate the Positive... And ... Have a Nice Day!



1. Open a new file in your computer.

2. Name it 'Barack Obama'.

3. Send it to the Recycle Bin.

4. Empty the Recycle Bin.

5. Your PC will ask you:

'Do you really want to get rid of 'Barack Obama?'

6. Firmly Click 'Yes.'

7. Feel better?

GOOD! - Tomorrow we'll do Nancy Pelosi.

1. Open a new file in your computer.

2. Name it 'Barack Obama'.

3. Send it to the Recycle Bin.

4. Empty the Recycle Bin.

5. Your PC will ask you:

'Do you really want to get rid of 'Barack Obama?'

6. Firmly Click 'Yes.'

7. Feel better?

GOOD! - Tomorrow we'll do Nancy Pelosi.

I L O V E it!
That's one nice thing about not being a redneck or a wingnut. You don't have to look for reasons to have a nice day. Life is all ready good. :)
That's one nice thing about not being a redneck or a wingnut. You don't have to look for reasons to have a nice day. Life is all ready good. :)

Yeah and as long as the Obamaaide is in heavy supply, served chilled, and you drink it out of eco cups, you're a right happy Obamabot...

The shit-eating grin is unmistakable.

Yeah and as long as the Obamaaide is in heavy supply, served chilled, and you drink it out of eco cups, you're a right happy Obamabot...

The shit-eating grin is unmistakable.

LOL Why such a bitter little man? We have a competent man in the White House after 8 years of a post turtle occupying that office. At least in Obama we have a person who is capable of dealing with problems bigger than eating a pretzel.So smile and be happy. :)
LOL Why such a bitter little man? We have a competent man in the White House after 8 years of a post turtle occupying that office. At least in Obama we have a person who is capable of dealing with problems bigger than eating a pretzel.So smile and be happy. :)

Don't be talking about your "bitter little man" with me fella. I had nothing to do with dat!

The biggest problem Obama's had to deal with so far is replacing the batteries in his teleprompter and not going to China to do it.

Hold on to your ankles fella because you're about to get screwed in a big, big way, but not to worry. Obamaaide will be served up for three more years.

Now if you can just get rid of that red mustache....

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That's one nice thing about not being a redneck or a wingnut. You don't have to look for reasons to have a nice day. Life is all ready good. :)

What they don't understand is that if they ever do manage to bite their own ear it could well be quite painful.
Exactly and if they don't want to hear the truth all they need to do is put their elbow in their ear!!

Or in the case of Low, you simply just run away from your own country and hide out and spew hate from afar about how all other countries, chiefly including yours and your spouses, is crap.

You guys keep right on marching ahead of us though where we can see you, k?

In the meantime, pull your head out and come up for air from time to time. You know... a little time to stop and smell the roses? Fertilizer addles your senses.

Happy Thanksgiving, Turkey.
Or in the case of Low, you simply just run away from your own country and hide out and spew hate from afar about how all other countries, chiefly including yours and your spouses, is crap.

You guys keep right on marching ahead of us though where we can see you, k?

In the meantime, pull your head out and come up for air from time to time. You know... a little time to stop and smell the roses? Fertilizer addles your senses.

Happy Thanksgiving, Turkey.
Un Huh and did you vote for Bush?
Or in the case of Low, you simply just run away from your own country and hide out and spew hate from afar about how all other countries, chiefly including yours and your spouses, is crap.

You guys keep right on marching ahead of us though where we can see you, k?

In the meantime, pull your head out and come up for air from time to time. You know... a little time to stop and smell the roses? Fertilizer addles your senses.

Happy Thanksgiving, Turkey.

And the thousands of Americans working here and in most other countries ran away? How the hell do you think you get any export business?

Psst. Your obsession is showing. Hey, is this your first post that doesnt mention male genitalia? Wow! you must have forgotten.
Or in the case of Low, you simply just run away from your own country and hide out and spew hate from afar about how all other countries, chiefly including yours and your spouses, is crap.

You guys keep right on marching ahead of us though where we can see you, k?

In the meantime, pull your head out and come up for air from time to time. You know... a little time to stop and smell the roses? Fertilizer addles your senses.

Happy Thanksgiving, Turkey.

Yea, yea....have a nice day!
[ame=""]YouTube- George Carlin - Have a nice day[/ame]