APP - Accept the marxists threat and throw it back in their faces

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Knowing they can't defeat the nomination of the very qualified Amy Coney Barrett or ACB as she will now be known, the marxists in our country have resorted to throwing a hissy fit and making threats.

"If we don't get our way, we will eliminate the filibuster, pack the court AND add DC and Puerto Rico as states to add 4 new Senators who will obviously be democrats"

We will ignore for a second that Puerto Rico doesn't want to become a state, but hey marxists can dream.

No, what I would like to discuss is that the GOP should say fine. Since you want to add more states we can do that. Take a look at this map


Look at all those traditionally "blue" states that are dominated by heavily populated big cities but surrounded by a sea of RED

So, we can raise them easily. there are 6 blue states that we can carve up and create NEW states that will give us 12 new Republican Senators

New York

Piece of cake. Marxists want to play stupid games? Well they can get stupid prizes.