APP - According to leftists it is time to reopen the economy

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
For weeks the left have been saying that we can't even think about opening up our economy unless we can test, test and test.


And for weeks they have been telling us that South Korea is the GOLD standard of testing. If only we could have tested as many people as the South Koreans well then all would be find

Well as of this posting:

The USA has tested over 5 million people compared to South Korea's almost 600,000

"But wait ILA the USA is bigger than South Korea. You aren't being fair" our leftist friends will say

That is true

As of this posting:

The USA has tested 1.5% of its population compared to South Korea's 1.1%

"Still not fair" says the left?

As of this posting:

The USA has tested 15,949 people per million while the gold standard South Korea has tested 11,669 per million

I am guessing we won't be hearing much about South Korea going forward will we?