He basically describes his change of mind on this during the first 4:18 of the video.
Btw, I am NOT an anti-vaxxer.
But I am a HUGE, 'anti-lockdowner'
Once again, I DESPISE, both parties.
It could have been handled a lot more effectively if Trump had handled it like South Korea, testing and tracing. Shut downs could have been limited to areas where hospitals were overwhelmed. I hope we have learned from Trump’s gross errors.Lockdowns were started in the middle ages to fight the bubonic plague. 700 years ago they knew to keep a plague from spreading, keeping the people apart would be helpful. It still is a valuable tool for a country's health.
Lockdowns were started in the middle ages to fight the bubonic plague. 700 years ago they knew to keep a plague from spreading, keeping the people apart would be helpful. It still is a valuable tool for a country's health.
Well, with a foremost expert in the virology field like Tim Robbins, I might have to rethink my whole position.
You dont need to be a virology expert to know what happened... just eyes and common sense.
You dont need to be a virology expert to know what happened... just eyes and common sense.
The lockdowns are nothing new.
With a new virus inwhich people lacked any vaccine or natural immunity spreading via social contact lockdowns were common sense, especially since a full understanding of the virus was a work in progress
We got all these wingers now trying to win points with Monday morning quarterbacking who at the time told us the virus wasn’t any worse than the common cold, would be gone by June, kids couldn’t get it, etc., etc., etc.. Can’t recall any political position be so wrong so many times on one issue as the right was on Covid
And you have neither. Your ability to discern a valid source is completely absent.
What are you babbling about?
You don't understand what I said?
So you didn't watch the video in the OP?
So you have not eaten Pizza Hut recently?
Notice how you run.