Adam's Birthday...

I wonder how he is doing. Wasn't he talking about marrying a lady with a baby ?
or am I confused again.

As with most people I wish him well.
I wonder how he is doing. Wasn't he talking about marrying a lady with a baby ?
or am I confused again.

As with most people I wish him well.

that was RS the radical libertarian who got engaged to the girl of his dreams, and then she quit her job and said, I have an idea, you support me and my kids, and he hasn't been seen since.

Probably working 15 hours a day.
that was RS the radical libertarian who got engaged to the girl of his dreams, and then she quit her job and said, I have an idea, you support me and my kids, and he hasn't been seen since.

Probably working 15 hours a day

Her hustle is pretty good.
that was RS the radical libertarian who got engaged to the girl of his dreams, and then she quit her job and said, I have an idea, you support me and my kids, and he hasn't been seen since.

Probably working 15 hours a day.

There was me also. We Libertarians all seem to be willing to support a fellow human being... go figure! And they call us selfish!
There was me also. We Libertarians all seem to be willing to support a fellow human being... go figure! And they call us selfish!


Yeah, we're P-whipped

I'm not knocking you guys. I'm just saying, I respect your women wholeheartedly.