Add + to my bucket list

Visit Ireland and kick +'s ass in front of a bar.

J/K. I think it is hilarious his username is +.

Visit Ireland, seriously, what a cool place and they remain Irish

See the Grand Canyon

Been to Asia and Russia, but never to Australia. Maybe a walkabout? Sydney definitely, actually have a college buddy there.

and so forth.
-Yurt, Plus doesn't live in Ireland. You should go to England and challenge Tom to a bar fight, though.

-Grind, definitely get a DeLorean, and then post pictures. I was driving around downtown a couple of years ago during ComicCon, and there were 4-5 of them on the roads.

-Damo, seriously, JUST DO IT!!
Visit Ireland and kick +'s ass in front of a bar.

J/K. I think it is hilarious his username is +.

Visit Ireland, seriously, what a cool place and they remain Irish

See the Grand Canyon

Been to Asia and Russia, but never to Australia. Maybe a walkabout? Sydney definitely, actually have a college buddy there.

and so forth.

Ireland is not what it was - I used to spend holiday after holiday there. They don't remain Irish - scarcely anyone actually speaks the language, for instance, and even the Popery that kept the Republic together - they drove down the Protestant proportion of their population from 12% to 3% after declaring the Republic - is weakening. You can catch quite remarkable fleas in some of the country pubs though, fair play!
Ireland is not what it was - I used to spend holiday after holiday there. They don't remain Irish - scarcely anyone actually speaks the language, for instance, and even the Popery that kept the Republic together - they drove down the Protestant proportion of their population from 12% to 3% after declaring the Republic - is weakening. You can catch quite remarkable fleas in some of the country pubs though, fair play!
Good riddance, the Catholic Church and that American cunt de Valera kept Ireland down for too long. They latterly have discovered a true sense of enterprise and knowledge of economics unlike Wales, whose national symbol should be a begging bowl.

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Good riddance, the Catholic Church and that American cunt de Valera kept Ireland down for too long. They latterly have discovered a true sense of enterprise and knowledge of economics unlike Wales, whose national symbol should be a begging bowl.

Sent from my Lenovo K52e78 using Tapatalk
