

Well-known member
Would sitting at a bar alone drinking while being on your crackberry attempting to post on JPP (while ignoring women who are near me) qualify as an addiction to this board?
Would sitting at a bar alone drinking while being on your crackberry attempting to post on JPP (while ignoring women who are near me) qualify as an addiction to this board?
Well, according to the automatic user titles, that doesn't happen until 30,000 posts...

Get crackin'...
Would sitting at a bar alone drinking while being on your crackberry attempting to post on JPP (while ignoring women who are near me) qualify as an addiction to this board?

OMG. And they are whispering about Beefy. AT least he was playing tennis!
I don’t’ get much done, luckily for me, I don’t really have much to do here. It is an addiction. But, I control myself from coming on over the weekends. (usually) My bf would get pissed, and then the addiction would be out of control.

But posting from a bar, I think you might have a problem Cawacko. I love the “sir” posts. It’s no wonder you don’t laid!
OMG. And they are whispering about Beefy. AT least he was playing tennis!
I don’t’ get much done, luckily for me, I don’t really have much to do here. It is an addiction. But, I control myself from coming on over the weekends. (usually) My bf would get pissed, and then the addiction would be out of control.

But posting from a bar, I think you might have a problem Cawacko. I love the “sir” posts. It’s no wonder you don’t laid!

I can't say sir??? This is info you could have passed on sooner!
It makes you sound like a giant dork!

what????? It makes me sound like a southern gentleman but one who has that little bit of danger to him which is what makes me exciting.

(did you buy even 1/10th of that?)
what????? It makes me sound like a southern gentleman but one who has that little bit of danger to him which is what makes me exciting.

(did you buy even 1/10th of that?)
I'm convinced. You sound like Foghorn Leghorn.
what????? It makes me sound like a southern gentleman but one who has that little bit of danger to him which is what makes me exciting.

(did you buy even 1/10th of that?)

No. But, if I had done three shots of tequila and was sitting next to you on a bar stool, I might.
Would sitting at a bar alone drinking while being on your crackberry attempting to post on JPP (while ignoring women who are near me) qualify as an addiction to this board?

what the hell are you doing at a bar in the morning?

I would worry more about the alcohol addiction bud.:clink:
what the hell are you doing at a bar in the morning?

I would worry more about the alcohol addiction bud.:clink:

no, I was there last night.

If I were there in the morning then I would agree with you, I'd have bigger issues to worry about!
Would sitting at a bar alone drinking while being on your crackberry attempting to post on JPP (while ignoring women who are near me) qualify as an addiction to this board?

cawacko, I think jack daniels and USC football are your addictions. Jpp ain't even close. How in the hell anyway, did your trojans get blow out by those eggheads from Stanford??

Hey 'bro, I'm gonna be in SoCal (i.e., hell) next week. If you see a maroon volkswagon eurovan with an Edwards and Impeach Bush stickers, give me a holler. :clink: