Admiral says winning war doubtful


Villified User
An admiral someting or other who has been nominated to run the war in Iraq when cornered on the question of can we win the was was forced to admit he had doubts.
Watched him say it on PBS news last night, or earlier tonight however you look at it.
He sure was hard to nail down though kept tryng to avoid answering the question.
"Doubts?" Wow. That's like saying he has doubts we'll be able to build a bridge across the Atlantic out of paper clips.

This ought to disqualify him from getting the job. It won't, I'm sure, but it should.
Just proves that Bush cannot find any qualified people in the military that beileves we can "win".
That guy was Bush's nominee for crisakes.
I can't help thinking that some cove used to being on the lookout for sneaky submarines, tying knots and generally sailing about in lots of water may not be the best choice for fighting in a desert, no?
Charver, I guess Bush will nominate a boy scout leader next to run the war.
He is running out of choices. He never could get anyone to accept his proposed war czar position.
Charver, I guess Bush will nominate a boy scout leader next to run the war.
He is running out of choices. He never could get anyone to accept his proposed war czar position.

A boy scout you say, US?

What's Bruce Willis doing these days?

That's the sort of chap you need to stiffen the resolve, motivate the troops and generally get the job done. There's the added bonus that when he's reached the end of another hard day obliterating child-killing terrorist scum he could regale the troops, perhaps with a reprise of his heavy hit, 'Under the Boardwalk'.