Ads with retired generals criticize Bush on Iraq


Villified User
Updated: 3:27 p.m. ET May 8, 2007

WASHINGTON - Two retired Army major generals with experience in Iraq will appear in television commercials critical of President Bush's handling of the war, with the spots targeted at key Republicans in the House and Senate.

Financed by, the $500,000 in ads will feature retired Maj. Gen. John Batiste and Paul Eaton, both of whom have publicly criticized the Pentagon's civilian leadership in the past. Batiste commanded the First U.S. Infantry Division in Iraq. Eaton oversaw training of the Iraqi military from 2003 to 2004.

Yes I know just more liberal defeatist rhetoric :rolleyes:
I don't understand how these communist types get into the military in the first place. Don't we have some kind of screening process?
And they got promoted to Genrals too Darla, which requires an act of congress, Congress is riddled with Communists is the only logical conclusion I guess.
And they got promoted to Genrals too Darla, which requires an act of congress, Congress is riddled with Communists is the only logical conclusion I guess.
Hmmm... We better put "In God We Trust" on our money, that will fix that problem...
Yep and rename "china" to dishes :)
Russian dressing to freedom dressing as well.

Man, all we have is "dishes." Wife says, "You need to do the 'dishes' honey," not "You need to wash the 'china dear'" :) I saw a china cabinet for sale the other day at a yard sale. Looked to me like all it was good for was to store my ammunition.
Oh yes we country folk think of the country first when we hear the word China :)
And we don't "do lunch" and we eat supper.

I see where this is going now...however the President promotes Generals...congress only in cabinet members appointments...I do believe the Generals were not complaining about the War..but how it was run from armchair is easy to criticize while in a comfy recliner...what they were complaining about is fighting with one hand tied behind their backs...imho
Umm Battle you were in the militiary right. How does it work when you criicize your superior ? (president) I think being active pretty much taped their mouths shut. I know I spent time in the stockade over it.
Say What....?

Cit spent time in the stockade!!! Well this is getting interesting now...and what did you do...??? I really don't believe it was for disagreeing with a superior...this is allowed in the military...but one cannot disobey a 'legal order'...big diff...apples and for the Generals they waited until they retired before speaking out...this is lawful under USMCJ...albeit Generals are subject to call back!;)
umm would punching a 90 day wonder in the face for getting a buddy killed get one put in the stockade and busted from SGT ?

Then there was the time I comandeered a huey to medivac one of my platoon....
The pilot liked it , the brass did not.

I don't do well with stupid asses in authority.
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umm would punching a 90 day wonder in the face for getting a buddy killed get one put in the stockade and busted from SGT ?

First and foremost there was no 90 day wonders during the VN War...I know because I was a Buck Sgt. who went to was a six month course!
As for your comment about a LT. getting a buddy killed...I have no idea as I was not I will give you the benefit of the doubt...please enlighten me how this went I can judge your actions...see a foermer Buck Sgt...turned Lt..can be fair...don't exaggerate the circumstances be honest!
Well call em what you want, they were louies then. that better ?...
Yep all louies were not bad, some of the bad ones did not last too long with no one to cover their butts.

Well call em what you want, they were louies then. that better ?...
Yep all louies were not bad, some of the bad ones did not last too long with no one to cover their butts.

I have to run...have alot of things to do today...however please post what occured that caused a 'Buck Sgt'(you) strike a curiosity has been aroused...I am giving you the benefit of the doubt...however you must explain your comment...I sure hope you did not just thow out a diatribe for shock value...this would not be fair...Be back later to check!
Tha damned louie ordered 2 of of my platoon into an area due to be napalmed in 20 min. And he had called in the strike, when I got back and found out I lost it and decked him. One of them lived, barely...
Taught me to leave 2 guys behind covering a worthless louies butt.
The worthless ass did not even go with them and had requested I leave them behind to cover the cp. I never did find out why he ordered them into over into the valley .....
The brass figured it out but had to punish me anyway, he was transferred out...
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Tha damned louie ordered 2 of of my platoon into an area due to be napalmed in 20 min. And he had called in the strike, when I got back and found out I lost it and decked him. One of them lived, barely...
Taught me to leave 2 guys behind covering a worthless louies butt.
The worthless ass did not even go with them and had requested I leave them behind to cover the cp. I never did find out why he ordered them into over into the valley .....
The brass figured it out but had to punish me anyway, he was transferred out...

If this truly represents how it went down...then I would have stood behind you on your loss of temper...hell I probably would have done the same...however did the Lt.file charges against you?...If so he was very immature and lacked a conscience...on the other side of the spectrum maybe he received orders from brass on placing a forward observer post in the strike zone area...I had a bud who was placed in a forward observer postion...he was being overrun and called the strike in on his own position...saved the day...albeit he lost 1/3 of his forearm and received a silver star...since I do not have the input from the Lt you alluded to I cannot judge his actions! Is this fair enough?
Oh yes the asshole filed charges. That is why I got tbusted to a 2 striper and spent time in the stockade. I dared them to discharge me. I guess they figured my punishment was worse to keep me there. I of course wound up with a different platoon.

Oh yes the asshole filed charges. That is why I got tbusted to a 2 striper and spent time in the stockade. I dared them to discharge me. I guess they figured my punishment was worse to keep me there. I of course wound up with a different platoon.

Basing this on your testimony...I would have been right there kicking his Royal a Lt and a Buck Sgt...however this does not excuse your hate for all military superiors as related in alot of your threads...hey we all got the short end of the stick back in the day...ya have to separate the diff between the bad guys and good guys...thats all I have to say on this matter!

I sure hope I put your bad experience to rest...I did my best..Carry on Sgt!
btw Battle in case you have not gathered ;) I have no love for the military or pride in my involuntary "service". I did however like and support my fellow troops and did the best I could to keep us all alive. Aside form a couple of incidents like the above mentioned, I had a good record in the Army, and made it back to a 3 striper one more time. Did not really care about that as long as I got to stay with my platoon....
Heck even after I was discharged from active duty they screwed up and sent the MPs to come and get me, said I was AWOL. I called the sherriff and had him place me under protective custody while it was sorted out. He was a friend. I was going to shoot em, I was not going back!
Somehow their orders overrode my discharge papers I showed them...

I do some volunteer work with recently disabled Iraq vets at the Lexington Va Hospital. Mostly group session participation with stress related problems. I was where they are now for many years....And should have got help but hated anything to do with the military.

Somehow their orders overrode my discharge papers I showed them...

So I do support the troops, but think the war is a waste.
I really don't know what to say...

btw Battle in case you have not gathered ;) I have no love for the military or pride in my involuntary "service". I did however like and support my fellow troops and did the best I could to keep us all alive. Aside form a couple of incidents like the above mentioned, I had a good record in the Army, and made it back to a 3 striper one more time. Did not really care about that as long as I got to stay with my platoon....
Heck even after I was discharged from active duty they screwed up and sent the MPs to come and get me, said I was AWOL. I called the sherriff and had him place me under protective custody while it was sorted out. He was a friend. I was going to shoot em, I was not going back!
Somehow their orders overrode my discharge papers I showed them...

I do some volunteer work with recently disabled Iraq vets at the Lexington Va Hospital. Mostly group session participation with stress related problems. I was where they are now for many years....And should have got help but hated anything to do with the military.

Somehow their orders overrode my discharge papers I showed them...

So I do support the troops, but think the war is a waste.

While in the military I always crossed the I's and dotted the 'T's..I was originally drafted while on break from college..but I then enlisted so I could get the MOS I preferred..if you had a bad experience..which I did not...well my heart bleeds...but don't hold all who served as being A-Holes while in a superior position...after all we were Bro's...need I say more...Carry on Sgt!

Side Note: Since you attained the rank of Sgt E-5 twice..even after you were shit on...I would venture to say 'You Did Have Pride' albeit it was involuntary...Rest easy Sgt...youwere mad not disallusioned...!
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