Advance thanks to all of you.


Villified User
Just a few years now till you guys will be picking up most of my medical expenses. Thanks I really appreciate it. Just wanted to say this while I was thinking of it and just in case this board does not last long enough.
SS and Medicare here I come :D
is today your birthday?

damn! i've got another 15 years plus! for certain, i will be a part of the groups that gets screwed! :(
Unless they change the rules I have 7 years I think to get the full SS benefits.
I need to check, is it still 67 for full benefits ?
No today is not my birthday care, I am a Tarus. I was just doing some rough planning last night and realized it was not long till I could go on the dole. Heck I have paid in enough for it over the years.
Now I just need to start burying money in mason jars to avoid reducing my benefits....or being taxed on my SS income, which I already paid taxes on.
What do you see happening to my board? No predictions of doom! I can't heeeaaar you!


OH no, no predictions of doom, I like this place and hope it is still around after I am dead and buried. but you just never know, this type of board might well be legislated out of existence.

That stone wall reminded me of Zork for some reason....
Unless they change the rules I have 7 years I think to get the full SS benefits.
I need to check, is it still 67 for full benefits ?
No today is not my birthday care, I am a Tarus. I was just doing some rough planning last night and realized it was not long till I could go on the dole. Heck I have paid in enough for it over the years.
Now I just need to start burying money in mason jars to avoid reducing my benefits....or being taxed on my SS income, which I already paid taxes on.

I heard congress discussing eliminating any penalties on senoirs SS for working or saving....just this week on c-span, so there is some hope.

also, to clarify what you said about it being "money, that you had already payed taxes on"

You have actually ONLY paid taxes on HALF of your SS earnings.

you paid federal taxes on "your 6.25%" that you contributed to SS in your name, but the portion that your employer put in to SS in your name, was NEVER taxed for income tax.

The employer was able to "write off" the income taxes due on the part of your SS contribution.

The government chose to tax us on that portion of our SS that was never taxed, if we make more than a certain amount in income a year is how I understand it.

and...this is what the Democratic congress was mentioning changing, with republican support, I believe.
Good point care, the corporations get the deductions and not the employees/workers. par for the course in the USA.
And yes they tax you if you make over a certain amount outside of ss, they want to be sure we peons stay in our place.
I came to most of these realizations last night while working out a rough retirement plan.

It looks like I will have my new little farm paid for in about 3 years. After that I will be able to retire if I choose to do so at that time. Maybe a bit of part time work. Property taxes will be pretty cheap becuase of the homestead exemptions. My other property will be in a seperate LLC...and the purely investment property I contracted to buy last month will be sold at about the same time...
heck I might wind up fairly well to do. I have been playing the stock market for a few months and am doing very well on it. 42.5% gain for 3 months is not too bad ;)
i am a taurus too!

quite confident, but quite bullheaded too! :o

LOL, yep, you want me to buck just try pushing me into somewhere/something I don't want to go.
The Ex trying to push me into religion sort of backfired on her. 18 years and she still did not understand me.
Just a few years now till you guys will be picking up most of my medical expenses. Thanks I really appreciate it. Just wanted to say this while I was thinking of it and just in case this board does not last long enough.
SS and Medicare here I come :D

You spent a lifetime paying into SS and medicare.

Your turn to get back what you put in.
Yep and thanks Cypress. I don't figure I will draw out more than I paid in in SSI, perhaps with Medicare, but not SSI.
Naah, they are too much trouble Damo, I sold all mine a couple of weeks ago.
Only had about 20, boy was that a bad idea :(
Just a few years now till you guys will be picking up most of my medical expenses. Thanks I really appreciate it. Just wanted to say this while I was thinking of it and just in case this board does not last long enough.
SS and Medicare here I come :D

You're welcome. Its the least I could do.