Advice to the young


Verified User
I am optimistic these times of hate will pass like a fad.

Keep to your studies, be nice to people, be an activist on the environment and fight corporate greed
in your towns, and you'll get to a good college, find the right mate and have that house, children and bucolic or urban lifestyle you want.

American dream, dream American, despite the current climate of hate. Definitely vote these Republicans out.
They are just negative hate merchants. It sucks but will pass like pimples.

It seems the greatest generation is now the worst.
You’re saying be nice to people? I hope that advice doesn’t include following your lead on that subject.
I am optimistic these times of hate will pass like a fad.

Keep to your studies, be nice to people, be an activist on the environment and fight corporate greed
in your towns, and you'll get to a good college, find the right mate and have that house, children and bucolic or urban lifestyle you want.

American dream, dream American, despite the current climate of hate. Definitely vote these Republicans out.
They are just negative hate merchants. It sucks but will pass like pimples.

It seems the greatest generation is now the worst.

I think you believed this at one time Micawber. That would be in the beginning, like this GIF. Of course, we can see how it always ends up with your predictions.

I am optimistic these times of hate will pass like a fad.

I am doubtful the hate from the liberal left will ever pass. It will only fade if Liberals figure out how to turn this nation into a Fascistic third world shit hole. No thanks.

Keep to your studies, be nice to people, be an activist on the environment and fight corporate greed

When will you ever be nice to those you politically disagree with?

What does that mean, activist on the environment? Stop driving cars. Stop running your furniture? Don't fly on planes?

What does that mean, fight corporate greed? There is only one way to do that; stop buying anything made by corporations. What s greedier, or more selfish, than a massive centralized Government demanding taxes and turning citizens into dependent wards of the State?

in your towns, and you'll get to a good college, find the right mate and have that house, children and bucolic or urban lifestyle you want.

More likely they will get indoctrinated, take useless college courses like African studies and pottery making and become wards of the State.

American dream, dream American, despite the current climate of hate. Definitely vote these Republicans Democrats out.

Fixed this. It's always better to marginalize Fascistic leftist assholes who think they should be running everything and telling us how to live our lives.

They are just negative hate merchants. It sucks but will pass like pimples.

Yes, liberals are most definitely the peddlers of hate and dependency.

It seems the greatest generation is now the worst.

Only if they support the Democratic Party of the Jackass. If you had a brain, you could comprehend the obvious. ;)