

Let's go Brandon!
I had the good fortune to spend over two hours driving to a job site with a client's employee who was in the Army for four years and willing to talk to me about his tour in Afghanistan. At one point his platoon was tasked with protecting two small villages. He got to know a bit about their culture and why it's so shitty.

Men consider their wives and family as mere property. They buy, sell, or trade at will.

A man brought his wife to get treated by their medic staff. He had beaten her unconscious because she had not been able to get pregnant. Knowing that she was infertile, he still wanted her able to have sex with him, cook and look after the kids that she had produced for him.

The local police are corrupt beyond imagination. One of the bribes that they routinely obtain is the use of a man's children for sex.

The typical Afghan soldier spends his day smoking hash and surfing porn sites on his government issued cell phone.