After Loblaws CEO's Take $11.50 On Every $25 ? / Campaign 500 Update

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Sure Loblaws only has to report $1 on every 25 dollars as profit after they give CEO's huge bonuses and likely hundreds of millions in business tax write off's not accounted for as so called profit. So the CEO's and write off's get what $11.50 then another $2.50 goes to truckers and employees which leaves 1 dollar as profit and ten dollars to cover cost of getting the food into their store?

I think we should start with counting CEO bonuses as profit (watch their bonuses dwindle) and find out what other snaky ways do they have to give money to others to hold so they do not have to account for it as profit. Something seriously fishy is going on especially when they are apparently raking in billions of dollars and yet claim to only get 1 dollar as profit on every 25 dollars.

Secondly I am not a soccer fan and for what it is worth congrats to the woman's team for winning the gold for Canada but let's get to the reality of the situation. When a woman's team can beat the best team on the planet (without the best team just letting them win which I doubt they would do that to keep face) then they would be worthy of the same pay. Who wants to watch a secondary school game or series sort of thing when they can watch the best on the planet aside from parents and friends showing up for support or in the case of a female soccer team those with interest watching boobs bounce on the field. The reality is womans soccer teams no matter how good can not beat the best team on the planet and only men can of which why do you think that is?!! No matter how the women spin it, the reality is that the interest just is not there.

Loblaw, other grocery CEOs grilled by MPs on high food prices and profits
Loblaw, Empire and Metro chief executives defended their companies before members of Parliament against accusations that grocery companies are profiteering from inflation

Campaign 500 Update

In June 2022 I set off towards Ottawa living in a tent. After not being able to find an affordable place to rent I hitch hiked to Collingwood when I began Campaign 500 to get every one on subsidy a 500 dollar per month raise so those on subsidy could afford to rent a simple room and afford basic needs living out of a shelter I built around my tent and insulated for the winter of which the winter is officially over in a week or so, so I survived the winter. Sadly in January 2023 I realized a couple of things, on is that there are more people in Canada than there are homes. Secondly I noticed that the Liberals government not only wants another 400 thousand legal immigrants this year, they also make pathetic excuses to evade closing down our border to illegal invasion at I think it is called Roxham road. So we have more people than homes yet the government is planning on stuffing in another half million illegal and so called legal immigrants. So where are these people suppose to go, oh yeah Canadians are losing their jobs over the guise of saving the environment under the claim that humans raise the temperature of our atmosphere which is placing some environments in danger (which is rhetoric consider humans only occupy 3% of the planet's surface area and they can't even prove that humans raise the Earth's atmospheric temperature 0.000001 degree.) thus Canadians are deliberately being made to become homeless and replaced thus here I am in vane fighting for a five hundred dollar per month raise while our governments work together to make the middle class homeless and dead.

Things I have noticed while living my life on basic survival. The crickets keep right on rubbing their legs all winter. Unless it is 20 below zero Celsius all winter long I have heard crickets outside rubbing their legs together to stay warm. I never noticed crickets in the winter before but when you live outside you tend to notice these things. A swamp or marsh is filling up outside my shelter only feet away. If I have to do this next year I am going to have to build something a little larger with a fire place. I spend ¼ - 1/3 of what little money I get on wax and butane for staying warm and cooking. December Ontario Works actually covered my butane but then they stopped as a rough wet and long winter dragged on. From the wax I use to fuel my torches I get caked in soot inside and out, I mean everything in my place is caked in soot including my lungs which spew out soot quite often. On top of 37 years with emphysema I doubt it is helping my health any and being I felt like I was going to die in June 2022 when I started this and am surprised I overcame somewhat and am still alive. Anyway, I am still being attacked by ticks, I have seen a potato bug and a millipede along with daddy long leg spiders of which in winter it appears they lose the bottom portion of their legs. The wolves haven't been around much but still do visit from time to time. Collingwood has been excellent with keeping roads and sidewalks clear. A couple of months ago Domino's pizza gave me a voucher for a free pizza when I complimented them on their pizza after buying a three topping large for $12.99. (That was nice but I suspect the manager knew I was homeless and was being nice) My shelter itself is holding up fairly well as in unless that marsh floods me I should be fine for the winter. my clothes have further degraded to rags and with what little I get, it looks like I'll be wearing the same rags until the day I die which I suspect may not be all that far off. It has been my pleasure to fight the good fight even though I have been doing it while living in a shelter I built.

Sad to see our useful idiot government is setting us up for a mass silent slaughter and all of our other officials appear to be in on it as they all turn a blind eye to making the call for a vote of no confidence to end this sick cycle and close our borders to save the lives of Canadians. It's like Canadians are in the water drowning while our officials turn a blind eye as they toast the lies they used to put us in the water to begin with. Sickening.

Anyway before I go, what is with this tampons should be tax free rhetoric I keep hearing while calling such a necessity? It is not a necessity as in women could go back to washing your own rags like they did in the old days you bunch of spoiled brats. Soon you might be forced too and realize how lucky you were before the WEF and their tyrannical useful idiots regressed Canada towards crap heap status.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!