after years, I am leaving chrome... going back to firefox

Have you tried Opera 15?

The newest one as of like a month ago. I used it for a while because my internet connection is slow and they offer data compression, so I wanted to try it out because my page loads are just painful. My connection doesn't seem to be slow enough that it does any good, though. I'm just complaining about being on the really low end of broadband. I eventually turned it off, and only continued using Opera shortly afterward before deciding that it was just unusable and switching back to Chrome.
Chrome is starting to annoy me though because they're slow on picking up features that Firefox has, and they've gradually become a more and more closed system over the year. Google has pretty much finished its evolution into Microsoft 2.0 and are going about the task of ripping out everything that once made the company good.
The newest one as of like a month ago. I used it for a while because my internet connection is slow and they offer data compression, so I wanted to try it out because my page loads are just painful. My connection doesn't seem to be slow enough that it does any good, though. I'm just complaining about being on the really low end of broadband. I eventually turned it off, and only continued using Opera shortly afterward before deciding that it was just unusable and switching back to Chrome.

The only problem I have with Opera is Xmarks doesn't do synchronisation in 12.16 and seems to have disappeared in 15.0. Even Chrome does that!
Firefox will always be my main browser though unless they fuck up. I don't like the way the icons are laid out so the first thing I do when reinstalling is to rearrange them how I like them.
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I find that none of them work for everything I need them to do, which is one reason I use different ones regularly.
I have downloaded opera probably > 10-15 times over the years and always end up deleting it after a week. there was always something about it that always irked me.
I use Firefox with all available security on when I surf new places......I use Chrome with limited security when I visit places I go to frequently and trust and don't want to retype passwords all the time.....
Probably IE6, since IE6 was basically the only browser to use until Firefox exceeded it around 2003/2004. IE7 and IE8 were garbage, IE9 was a huge step forward and briefly kind of put it at parity with Chrome/Firefox, then it fell behind again, and I don't even know what IE10 was suposed to have done. I think they concentrated all of their resources into making a stupid "Modern" app version of it and otherwise left the desktop version basically the same, by now way behind Chrome/Firefox. Microsoft has little fits of getting its act together, then they see something bright and shiny, forget, and go off in some random direction.