Age of consent laws. Why we need them?

NO. It's illegal to have sex with a 13yr. old because it's morally repugnant for an adult to take advantage of one. You don't understand that?
Geez, take a chill pill moose. You were the one who mentioned personal injury lawyers and tort reform. I'm guessing you were just being goofy funny then.
NO. It's illegal to have sex with a 13yr. old because it's morally repugnant for an adult to take advantage of one. You don't understand that?

Please watch you might leave as a response; because this appears to be nothing more then someone's idea of a "trap", where they are hoping that someone will reply with something that will result in a Rule 12b violation and ban.

To support what you said though; any adult who is sexually attracted to a 13 year old, should probably go soak in a warm bath and just slit both wrists.