APP - Agree or Disagree


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Some of you may have to ask Damo or Grind for the right to post here; but it's a simple thing and can be done through a PM.

This is a ban free thread and I ask that it stay civilized.
If individuals are unable to restrain themselves; I'll ask to have this thread closed, will make a new one, ban the offenders, plus you'll probably have your rights to post in APP curtailed.

As you can see it's a poll and I ask that when you vote, please explain your reason for the choice you made.
If you're unable to do so, then your vote will be dismissed.

I have come to the conclusion that liberals in general, are so afraid of President Trump being successful; that they're going to do everything and anything that they can do, to impede him.
If they really thought he was the "failure", that they believe him to be, they would just sit back and let him destroy himself.

Agree. They are so upset that they weren't able to take him down during the election that they will stop at nothing.

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I do agree. It pains them to think that BO failed economically, in foreign policy and was only successful at damaging his party to enrich his owners.
They invested so much trying to make the mulatto seem a success that they cannot recognize the truth and admit it even to themselves.
I almost feel sorry for them but they brought this upon themselves by sacrificing truth for correctness. One day there will be an able and successful minority president as well as a like female but it needs to happen organicly and via true competition else it will surely fail.
I agree with you for the most part. Let me explain.
Being independent lets me weight both side's pros and cons. It seems to me that the average American seems to be tired of being run by backroom politicians and not being represented or taken seriously enough.
So here comes a DC outsider who heard what they are saying, uses it to his advantage to win the WH and focuses on those wants and needs for whatever motive. Finally someone on the dais who seems to have their ear. .
Now the average working American's needs don't jive with elitist liberals. Immigration enforcement, trade (although they talked differently just a few years ago), government interference, religious freedoms, living their lives the way they want to, being tired of being made fun of.
Trump, I suspect him being a bit narcissistic, of course poses a threat. Now don't get me wrong, liberals have been the mouth for the needy. Emphasis mouth. What they say sounds so compassionate, but when you look deeper, it is a very self serving compassion. Only those who agree need to apply. No criticism is allowed in their ranks. They expect tolerance but don't give it back. Dare to think a bit outside the predetermined box, and you are a racist, a bigot, or plain ignorant.
So of course Trump is disliked. He made the ones who dare question the liberal plantation a force to be reckoned with.
I also think conservatives are very hypocritical. But that is a topic for another time.
Do I think Trump is a good Potus? Time will tell. At the moment, he has the power to make or break this country. For now I think he is rattling a few caged, and I like that. May be that is what we need to come forth with a viable third party and a bit of self reflection.

Rant over.
I agree with you for the most part. Let me explain.
Being independent lets me weight both side's pros and cons. It seems to me that the average American seems to be tired of being run by backroom politicians and not being represented or taken seriously enough.
So here comes a DC outsider who heard what they are saying, uses it to his advantage to win the WH and focuses on those wants and needs for whatever motive. Finally someone on the dais who seems to have their ear. .
Now the average working American's needs don't jive with elitist liberals. Immigration enforcement, trade (although they talked differently just a few years ago), government interference, religious freedoms, living their lives the way they want to, being tired of being made fun of.
Trump, I suspect him being a bit narcissistic, of course poses a threat. Now don't get me wrong, liberals have been the mouth for the needy. Emphasis mouth. What they say sounds so compassionate, but when you look deeper, it is a very self serving compassion. Only those who agree need to apply. No criticism is allowed in their ranks. They expect tolerance but don't give it back. Dare to think a bit outside the predetermined box, and you are a racist, a bigot, or plain ignorant.
So of course Trump is disliked. He made the ones who dare question the liberal plantation a force to be reckoned with.
I also think conservatives are very hypocritical. But that is a topic for another time.
Do I think Trump is a good Potus? Time will tell. At the moment, he has the power to make or break this country. For now I think he is rattling a few caged, and I like that. May be that is what we need to come forth with a viable third party and a bit of self reflection.

Rant over.

Please cast your vote.
Why would anyone be afraid of Donald J Trump? The man is so weak he cannot even deal with media coverage. He was a draft dodger who got a doctor's excuse not to serve the nation he now poorly leads. He is on marriage three proving his weakness for commitment and he has flip flopped on every election promise. As I noted once before on this site, people should fear the fact he is an 'appallingly stupid' man who was a failure in almost all his business ventures. He is a tax cheat and a person who has lied to America for forty days straight and continues to do so. The only people who may be afraid of him are women since he has a proclivity as a spoiled rich moron to think that gives him some special permission. That is a man to be afraid of? You gotta be kidding! That is a sad weak man with personality problems, no balls and no brain.

"Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength." Eric Hoffer
Some of you may have to ask Damo or Grind for the right to post here; but it's a simple thing and can be done through a PM.

This is a ban free thread and I ask that it stay civilized.
If individuals are unable to restrain themselves; I'll ask to have this thread closed, will make a new one, ban the offenders, plus you'll probably have your rights to post in APP curtailed.

As you can see it's a poll and I ask that when you vote, please explain your reason for the choice you made.
If you're unable to do so, then your vote will be dismissed.

I have come to the conclusion that liberals in general, are so afraid of President Trump being successful; that they're going to do everything and anything that they can do, to impede him.
If they really thought he was the "failure", that they believe him to be, they would just sit back and let him destroy himself.

Maintaining civility on APP should be a total no-brainer. But leftists, such as Midcan5, still can't help but call people names.

Perhaps they really do feel that they are above all laws, rules, or any other kind of stipulation that is given.
Maintaining civility on APP should be a total no-brainer. But leftists, such as Midcan5, still can't help but call people names.

Perhaps they really do feel that they are above all laws, rules, or any other kind of stipulation that is given.

The question concerned being 'afraid' of Trump and I answered why I and others would feel sorry for Trump and certainly not be afraid. If I recall correctly it was Trump who criticized political correctness, are his fans now supporting PC?

OT Conservatives appear afraid as they continue to censor others from taking part in the APP dialogue.
Why would anyone be afraid of Donald J Trump? The man is so weak he cannot even deal with media coverage. He was a draft dodger who got a doctor's excuse not to serve the nation he now poorly leads. He is on marriage three proving his weakness for commitment and he has flip flopped on every election promise. As I noted once before on this site, people should fear the fact he is an 'appallingly stupid' man who was a failure in almost all his business ventures. He is a tax cheat and a person who has lied to America for forty days straight and continues to do so. The only people who may be afraid of him are women since he has a proclivity as a spoiled rich moron to think that gives him some special permission. That is a man to be afraid of? You gotta be kidding! That is a sad weak man with personality problems, no balls and no brain.

"Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength." Eric Hoffer

Then why don't the liberals just sit back and let him destroy himself?
The question concerned being 'afraid' of Trump and I answered why I and others would feel sorry for Trump and certainly not be afraid. If I recall correctly it was Trump who criticized political correctness, are his fans now supporting PC?

OT Conservatives appear afraid as they continue to censor others from taking part in the APP dialogue.

Then why don't the liberals just sit back and watch him destroy himself?
Looks like the JPP liberals are unable to address their own behavior, even after all the wailing over being thread banned and now having an opportunity. :palm:
Then why don't the liberals just sit back and watch him destroy himself?

Because the earth matters, because law matters, because education matters, because heathcare matters, because opportunity matters and Trump a failure in business will be a failure as president and that has long term impact. Consider only that bigot Gorsuch he selected for the scotu,s already the idiot dissents civil rights for all Americans or that fool in education who wants dishonest colleges protected. Anyone who care about America should be concerned Trump is president. The man is an unread insecure dope.

"Giving every man a vote has no more made men wise and free than Christianity has made them good." H. L. Mencken
Because the earth matters, because law matters, because education matters, because heathcare matters, because opportunity matters and Trump a failure in business will be a failure as president and that has long term impact. Consider only that bigot Gorsuch he selected for the scotu,s already the idiot dissents civil rights for all Americans or that fool in education who wants dishonest colleges protected. Anyone who care about America should be concerned Trump is president. The man is an unread insecure dope.

"Giving every man a vote has no more made men wise and free than Christianity has made them good." H. L. Mencken


Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight :good4u:
Since some comments have had nothing to do with the OP, I've decided to repost it.


Some of you may have to ask Damo or Grind for the right to post here; but it's a simple thing and can be done through a PM.

This is a ban free thread and I ask that it stay civilized.
If individuals are unable to restrain themselves; I'll ask to have this thread closed, will make a new one, ban the offenders, plus you'll probably have your rights to post in APP curtailed.

As you can see it's a poll and I ask that when you vote, please explain your reason for the choice you made.
If you're unable to do so, then your vote will be dismissed.

I have come to the conclusion that liberals in general, are so afraid of President Trump being successful; that they're going to do everything and anything that they can do, to impede him.
If they really thought he was the "failure", that they believe him to be, they would just sit back and let him destroy himself.

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...As you can see it's a poll and I ask that when you vote, please explain your reason for the choice you made.
If you're unable to do so, then your vote will be dismissed.

I have come to the conclusion that liberals in general, are so afraid of President Trump being successful; that they're going to do everything and anything that they can do, to impede him.
If they really thought he was the "failure", that they believe him to be, they would just sit back and let him destroy himself.


I did here and it still stands:

"It’s tempting to say that Donald Trump rose to his current position by way of a massive historical accident, despite the fact that he knows nothing and understands nothing. But I think that’s almost entirely upside down, and is another way of insisting that the current situation in the United States isn’t as bad as it looks, and can be remedied with a few replacement parts. Trump was elected president precisely because he is an arrogant ignoramus who spews out “politically incorrect” bigotry unsupported by any evidence. Furthermore, he has an unparalleled understanding of our culture’s most central elements: the marketing and branding of fame, the power of mass media, and the extent to which image and rhetoric can reshape or even replace reality."
They know he will not fail and it scares the hell out of them. His ego alone will not let him fail. This means many more lost elections and they know it. Their fear and desperation are obvious.