Ah, the advantages of "organic" foods


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No pesticides! But guess what the result of THAT can be.....!!



Ribbit! This Green Isn't Part of Salad

Thursday, January 24, 2008

NEW YORK — You just don't want to eat some greens.

That's how a Brooklyn mom felt when she found a tiny frog comfortably nestled in the leaves of organic lettuce she was preparing to eat.

"I jumped away," said 39-year-old Yvonne Brechbuhler, who described the green critter as no bigger than the tip of her pinky finger.

"I didn't know what it was. But once I realized it was a frog, I was OK," she told the Daily News in Thursday editions.

Intrigued, she named the frog "Curious."

Brechbuhler, a stage actress, said she bought the lettuce at her local food co-op and kept it in the refrigerator three days before using it last week.

Brechbuhler and her 7-year-old daughter, Orla, placed the frog in a jar on a bed of lettuce leaves and water, and fed it fruit flies they collected at a nearby garden. Afterward, they decided Curious would be happier at an animal facility specializing in reptiles and amphibians. The facility, Sean Casey Animal Rescue, has put it up for adoption.

An employee at the food co-op said it was the first such incident in memory.
I don't know why e coli doesn't scare me much. I should be worried about it, but meh....
If a pesticide contains an atom of carbon, it is organic.

yep just being organic does not mean it is good. I flush organic stuff down the toilet every day. They could put 'contains no trans fats or cholestrol" on the gas pumps, but that would not make it good to drink.

"Some scientists have been advancing theories to explain some auto-immune disorders as being the result of lack of exposure to diseases that used to be common in the human past. Among the diseases suspected as being a consequence of lack of exposure to diseases are the painful digestive tract disorders inflammatory bowel disorder (IBD) and Crohn's Disease. Joel Weinstock MD, a professor of internal medicine at University of Iowa, and colleagues have demonstrated that eggs of pig whipworm, when consumed by suffers of Crohn's Disease (CD) and Ulcerative Colitis (UC), greatly reduce symptoms of those diseases."
My brother found a black widow nested in a bunch of grapes he bought for his grandchildren......bought them at a regular grocery story, not an "all organic" grocery store.

"Some scientists have been advancing theories to explain some auto-immune disorders as being the result of lack of exposure to diseases that used to be common in the human past. Among the diseases suspected as being a consequence of lack of exposure to diseases are the painful digestive tract disorders inflammatory bowel disorder (IBD) and Crohn's Disease. Joel Weinstock MD, a professor of internal medicine at University of Iowa, and colleagues have demonstrated that eggs of pig whipworm, when consumed by suffers of Crohn's Disease (CD) and Ulcerative Colitis (UC), greatly reduce symptoms of those diseases."

Too bad for those scientists that both of those diseases are genetic.
Are the diseases genetic in origon or just a genetic predisposition triggered by something else ?

But we know all about everything don't we ?