Ahead of the curve...

yeah but too far ahead and you might take the wrong exit....
that is why they call it a curve, you never know exactly where it will lead.
i like being behind the curves, myself; better to see them change course back and forth, back and forth...hehehheh
I tend to ride behind the curves as well, about ready to buy an MP3 player :D
The bleeding edge is expensive.
"I tend to ride behind the curves as well, about ready to buy an MP3 player "

I got rid of my 8-track player last year. I have been told about these new casette tapes... heard they are all the rave.
"I tend to ride behind the curves as well, about ready to buy an MP3 player "

I got rid of my 8-track player last year. I have been told about these new casette tapes... heard they are all the rave.

Oh they are and that new VHS stuff is fantastic!
Actually I am converting my old vinyl over to WAV and MP3 files now, might take another 6 months at my pace.

I did finally get a cellphone last year, but I only use it as a phone. I currently have over 6,000 rollover minutes :D
US.... just don't break a hip trying to dance to that new funky crap the kids are listening to these days.

No way, I just don't have that kind of rythm or something, I did not even do good with the popular dances of the 60's and 70's.

But now a good waltz , I can make the ladies swoon :D