Ahem. Black and Asian Teens Have the Lowest Rates of Drug Use


Originally Posted by USFREEDOM911

Your faux tears are causing your makeup to run.
You might want to start buying the non-smear kind.

I'm not even sure your black, 58 years old, or anything else you claim to be.
More then likely, you're just another basement dwelling young adult, who's looking for the attention you can't get at home.

Didn't you hear my proclamation at the very beginning of my stint here, is that " I don't lie". It's what gives me my gravitas over riff raff like you. And then, I'm going to expose the point again, to draw attention to it? If any of my positions, claims or posturings were "lies", why would I be so inclined as to invite the re-visiting of them? Common sense, would dictate otherwise. But no one here has ever claimed you had the gift of common sense.

Please. How many times have I been accused of being a "white liberal" with an "ax to grind"?....a Republican who is all twisted in the head, and in need of a soapbox? Anything, but what I am, a liberal black gay man, who appears considerably younger than his "soon-to-be" 59 years. An upcoming musician and spoken word artist, being considered for poet laureate of Houston (equipped with the contact info of the man who nominated me).....in demand, popular, full of wit and zest...and ready and willing to take on any right wing nut, stupid enough to challenge me.

I assure you, I'm whom I say that I am....and proud of it. Your only course of action is to be in denial of the obvious.....I'm better than you. LOL. Of course you'd think that I'm white. You don't think a black man is capable of embarrassing you, each and every day. The joke is on you.