Ahnuld is pro universal insurance coverage


Villified User
Anyone else read about this ? Arnold is proposing taxing all employers with over 10 employees that do not have health coverage on them to pay for universal health care. Or some resemblance thereof.
Anyone else read about this ? Arnold is proposing taxing all employers with over 10 employees that do not have health coverage on them to pay for universal health care. Or some resemblance thereof.

His Kennedy-wife is running the state.
I remember back to the photo of Bush with him and shake my head. Of course Bush is pretty much a liberal in con clothing as well.
One would think with all the bad that liberals do and CA being full of them that the place would be a finiancial wasteland, but no it is a fast growing booming place. hmmmmm
I wartched a segment on the nightly news hour (PBS) last night.
I mostly like Ahnulds plan, the main problem I have with it is that it covers illegals as well. It will cost a bit more than now, but not too much, it is sort of a redistribution of costs more than new costs. And the tax cuts for small businesses is supposed to more than offset the cost of the fee for not covering their employees.
I wartched a segment on the nightly news hour (PBS) last night.
I mostly like Ahnulds plan, the main problem I have with it is that it covers illegals as well. It will cost a bit more than now, but not too much, it is sort of a redistribution of costs more than new costs. And the tax cuts for small businesses is supposed to more than offset the cost of the fee for not covering their employees.

i saw some of it too. he sounds like he's running for president...... ironically, he would probably be a better choice than anyone the dems or reps will put up to us............
You are probably right Hip, sad to say though. I don't want the constitution changed so he can be president though either.