AIDS to Be 3rd Leading Cause of Death


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AIDS to Be 3rd Leading Cause of Death

Nov 27, 8:56 PM (ET)


LONDON (AP) - Within the next 25 years, AIDS is set to join heart disease and stroke as the top three causes of death worldwide, according to a study published online Monday.

When global mortality projections were last calculated a decade ago, researchers had assumed the number of AIDS cases would be declining. Instead, it's on the rise.

Currently ranked fourth behind heart disease, stroke, and respiratory infections, AIDS is set to become No. 3, say researchers in a new report in the Public Library of Science's Medicine journal. It accounts for about 2.8 million deaths every year. But the researchers estimate a total of nearly 120 million people could die in the next 25 years.

I guess we will have AIDS free workplace laws ?
I don't wish it on anyone. But I also don't believe our govt 's official story on the ONLY ways it can be transmitted.
Okee Dokee then...

The simple solution is abstension or a monogomas relationship...God I pray for the return of 'Happy Days' everything was so a girl ya love and stay true...walla no STD's...whats so hard about that?
This is too weird...I heard from another member that maineman...loves to talk about his gay conquests on a different board...go figure!

how totally bizarre. and I just heard from another member that battleborne has sex with the carcasses of dead sheep under the moonlight..... go figure!
of course I am. I am the most hetero guy on the block. I have three wonderful kids and a gorgeous trophy wife. Guys are not my thing...but seriously...I DID hear from another member that you really love the bestiality/necrophilia mix. Are you denying that?
The simple solution is abstension or a monogomas relationship...God I pray for the return of 'Happy Days' everything was so a girl ya love and stay true...walla no STD's...whats so hard about that?
Yeah, but what if the girl does not stay true. It is naive to think that cheating, etc did not go on in the 50's ;)