Air Force to Test Coal-Based Jet Fuel


Villified User
Air Force to Test Coal-Based Jet Fuel

DAYTON, Ohio (AP) -- The Air Force is scheduled Tuesday to test a new jet fuel blend made partly from coal.

A B-52 bomber at Edwards Air Force Base in California is expected to take off with two of its eight jet engines burning a 50-50 blend of synthetic and oil-based fuel.

Research on the fuel project has been conducted at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton. The goal is to develop, test and pave the way to commercialize the fuel.

The research is focused on the Fischer-Tropsch process for producing synthetic kerosene from coal. The military wants a fuel that works with engines, fuel systems and supply infrastructure already in the field.

Known since the 1920s, the process produces clean-burning fuel, but it hasn't been economical, Harrison said. High fuel prices are making it more attractive, and the Pentagon hopes it can help jump-start an industry by earmarking funds for synthetic jet fuel starting in 2008.
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Sure George Burns. He is still alive isn't he ? Of course he is God. I saw it on TV so it has to be true.
Thats funny that is what Muslims say to challenge Christianity. They say God cannot die so how could Jesus who is God die on the cross?
Yeah the trinity merger of things is pretty strange.......
A ghost, the son of god and god are all the same thing ???
One of the few store bought toys I had as a child. An airplane with a rubber band that you wound up and the plane would fly. What a great idea.