Airport security fast-track company shuts down


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Airport security fast-track company shuts down

Jun 23, 5:30 PM (ET)


NEW YORK (AP) - Lois Easton showed up at Denver International Airport expecting her usual quick trip through airport security. Instead, she was turned away as screening machines were dismantled around her.

She is one of about a quarter-million customers who paid up to $199 a year and turned over detailed personal information in exchange for breezing to the gate - until the company that runs the program, known as Clear, abruptly shut down Tuesday.

At airports across America, frequent fliers like Easton were denied the fast lane and left to join the back of the longer, snaking security lines everyone else uses. And they won't even get their money back.

"I did buy a three-year membership, so I'm not very happy about all of this," said Easton, an education consultant from Boulder, Colo.