APP - Airport Security. Please remove your face.

another thing for security to worry about, and with some people that want to travel under an assumed identity - this is a real problem

I suppose if one can hide explosives in their underwear they could hide them in their head. There's a mind-blowing thought. :blowup:
I suppose if one can hide explosives in their underwear they could hide them in their head. There's a mind-blowing thought. :blowup:

I suppose it is possible to disguise a bomb as a hearing aid, considering that it only takes 6 grams of PETN to blow a hole in the fuselage of a modern jet.
I suppose it is possible to disguise a bomb as a hearing aid, considering that it only takes 6 grams of PETN to blow a hole in the fuselage of a modern jet.
I'm not trying to underscore the seriousness of security in airports but history has shown that a person (or persons) determined to kill will do so. That doesn't mean we shouldn't do our utmost to prevent them. The question is, where do we strike a balance?