APP - Al Franken Scores!


Shaken, not stirred!
Al Franken had his first successful and deadly serious piece of legislation passed with a roll call vote of 68-30 (only 9 GOP'ers joining him in the affirmative) to stopped federal funding for those defense contractors who used mandatory arbitration clauses to deny victims of assault the right to bring their case to court. It's an amendment to the FY2010 Defense appropriations bill.

Read more at:

Now, I would REALLY like to know what was so objectionable in this amendment that 30 GOP senators voted against it? Maybe everyone should contact those senators and ask them just that. I mean, one of the cornerstones of our legal system is that a person gets to face their accusers or their adversaries in open court. A woman gets raped, and a PRIVATE company gets to keep it out of open court automatically via abritation only? Damn, we were warned about the military/industrial complex....thank God there are guys like Franken looking out for the common man/woman.
Al Franken had his first successful and deadly serious piece of legislation passed with a roll call vote of 68-30 (only 9 GOP'ers joining him in the affirmative) to stopped federal funding for those defense contractors who used mandatory arbitration clauses to deny victims of assault the right to bring their case to court. It's an amendment to the FY2010 Defense appropriations bill.

Read more at:

Now, I would REALLY like to know what was so objectionable in this amendment that 30 GOP senators voted against it? Maybe everyone should contact those senators and ask them just that. I mean, one of the cornerstones of our legal system is that a person gets to face their accusers or their adversaries in open court. A woman gets raped, and a PRIVATE company gets to keep it out of open court automatically via abritation only? Damn, we were warned about the military/industrial complex....thank God there are guys like Franken looking out for the common man/woman.

It's anti-corporate legislation and no GOP Congressman has ever voted for the rights of an individual ahead of the rights of a corporation. They merely are trying to keep their record intact.
It's anti-corporate legislation and no GOP Congressman has ever voted for the rights of an individual ahead of the rights of a corporation. They merely are trying to keep their record intact.

I can't wait until the investigation between Franken and ACORN election results starts.
I can't wait until the investigation between Franken and ACORN election results starts.

Poor Blabba, still intellectually prostituting herself for the neocon cause.

She cannot and will not deal with the FACT that Franken put forth a successful amendment that GIVES A RAPE VICTIM RIGHT TO DUE PROCESS IN OPEN COURT. She cannot and will not deal the the FACT that 30 REPUBLICAN SENATORS VOTED AGAINST THIS. Instead, she does the typical neocon Rove tactic...try to slander the character of the person doing the right thing.

Blabba is just tutu disgusting, sometimes.
And here's a list of those that voted against passage of Franken's Amendment. Call them and ask them why.

List of Senators and Phone Numbers:

Alexander (R-Tennessee) DC: (202) 224-4944 State: Memphis Office: (901) 544-4224

Barrasso (R-Wyoming) DC: 202-224-6441 State: Cheyenne Office: 307-772-2451

Bond (R-Missouri) DC: (202) 224-5721 State: St. Louis Office: (314) 725-4484

Brownback (R-Kansas) DC: (202) 224-6521 State: Topeka Office: (785) 233-2503

Bunning (R-Kentucky) DC: 202.224.4343 State: Louisville Office: 502.582.5341

Burr (R-NC) DC: (202) 224-3154 State: Asheville Office: (828) 350-2437

Chambliss (R-Georgia) DC: 202-224-3521 State: Atlanta Office: 770-763-9090

Coburn (R-OK) DC: 202-224-5754 State: Ok City: 405-231-4941

Cochran (R-MS) DC: 202-224-5054 State: Jackson office: 601-965-4459

Corker (R-TN) DC: 202-224-3344 State: Nashville office: 615-279-8125

Cornyn (R-TX) DC: 202-224-2934 State: Dallas office: 972-239-1310

Crapo (R-ID) DC: (202) 224-6142 State: Boise office: (208) 334-1776

DeMint (R-SC) DC: 202-224-6121 State: Columbia office: 803-771-6112

Ensign (R-NV) DC: (202) 224-6244 State: Las Vegas office: (702) 388-6605

Enzi (R-WY) DC: (202) 224-3424 State: Cheyenne Office: (307) 772-2477

Graham (R-SC) DC: (202) 224-5972 State: Columbia Office: (803) 933-0112

Gregg (R-NH) DC: (202) 224-3324 State: Concord office: (603) 225-7115

Inhofe (R-OK) DC: (202) 224-4721 State: Ok City: (405) 608-4381

Isakson (R-GA) DC: (202) 224-3643 State: Atlanta Office: (770) 661-0999

Johanns (R-NE) DC: (202) 224-4224 State: Lincoln Office: (402) 476-1400

Kyl (R-AZ) DC: 202-224-4521 State: Phoenix office: 602-840-1891

McCain (R-AZ) DC: (202) 224-2235 State: Phoenix Office: (602) 952-2410

McConnell (R-KY) DC: (202) 224-2541 State: Louisville office: (502) 582-6304

Risch (R-ID) DC: 202-224-2752 State: Boise office: 208-342-7985

Roberts (R-KS) DC: (202) 224-4774 State: Wichita office: (316) 263-0416

Sessions (R-AL) DC: 202-224-4124 State: Birmingham office: 205-731-1500

Shelby (R-AL) DC: (202) 224-5744 State: Montgomery office: (334) 223-7303

Thune (R-SD) DC: 202-224-2321 State: Sioux Falls office: 605-334-9596

Vitter (R-LA) DC: (202) 224-4623 State: Baton Rouge Office: 225-383-0331

Wicker (R-MS) DC: 202-224-6253 State: Jackson office: (601) 965-4644
Aside from your Franken sexual obsession, what reason can you give for voting against restoring the rights of an individual if assaulted or raped?

hey, I already said Franken was a hero, what more do you want..I'll bow down later..
I haven't heard anything about this legislation besides what was posted from the Hufferpost, and I refuse to read that lowlife who even knows if this happened??
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arbitration clauses exist in many day to day cards, gym memberships etc....

i'm on the fence as to the worthiness of the clauses and whether putting the "agreement" to binding arbitration in as basically boilerplate language is actually an enforceable agreement. unfortunately, scotus has ruled the clause are enforceable....while it definitely keeps silly claims out of court, i have no doubt that there are serious claims that never see the light of day because of these clauses....