Al Gore Deserved the Nobel Peace Prize

The far-right have become the equivalent of holocaust deniers when it comes to global warming and man's effect on our enviroment. Why is it that the major backers behind anti-global warming theories have all been funded by companies who stand to gain from business as usual?

An Inconvenient Truth is both a well made documentary piece but it is also provides ideas on how to begin to tackle the issues related to the enviroment.

Why not provide cars that get better gas mileage, and use that as a way to export automobiles to other countries? Why not open the market to alternative ways of heating a home? Why not think of the enviroment as something to be invested in and therefore preserved?
If someone can receive a Nobel Peace prize for doing what Al Gore did then we need to start handing them out like candy on Halloween.
David Miliband, who was Environment-Secretary when the school packs were announced, said at the time: 'The debate over the science of climate change is well and truly over.'

But during the three-day hearing, the court heard that the critically-acclaimed film contains a number of inaccuracies, exaggerations and statements about global warming for which there is currently insufficient scientific evidence.

The Climate Change Resource Pack has now been sent to more than 3,500 schools and is aimed at key stage 3 pupils - those aged 11 to

Children's Minister Kevin Brennan said last night: 'The judge's decision is clear that schools can continue to use An Inconvenient Truth as part of their teaching on climate change in accordance with the amended guidance, which will be available online today.

'We have updated the accompanying guidance, as requested by the judge to make it clearer for teachers as to the stated Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change position on a number of scientific points raised in the film.'

from your article
Here's an interesting development in this story. Seems his movie has been court ordered to include a disclaimer because it's so full of inaccuracies.

A UK High Court judge has rejected a lawsuit by political activist Stuart Dimmock to ban the showing of Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth in British schools.

Justice Burton agreed that:

"Al Gore's presentation of the causes and likely effects of climate change in the film was broadly accurate."

There were nine points where Burton decided that AIT differed from the IPCC and that this should be addressed in the Guidance Notes for teachers to be sent out with the movie.

Unfortunately a gaggle of useless journalists have misreported this decision as one that AIT contained nine scientific errors. Let me name some of the journalists who got it wrong: Sally Peck in the Daily Telegraph, Nico Hines in the Times, Mike Nizza in the New York Times, James McIntyre in the Independent, PA in Melbourne's Herald Sun, David Adam in the Guardian, Daniel Cressey in Nature, the BBC, Mary Jordan in the Washington Post, Marcus Baram for ABC News, and (of course) Matthew Warren in the Australian.
Just one question---How does saying that the Earth is in imminent danger due to global warming make it any more peaceful? Did his work not qualify him for Nobel Award that was somewhat related to claims ? Science? Chemistry? Economics ?---anything ?