Al-Qaeda ask for Euro bail out

cancel2 2022

MI6 chiefs confirmed that they had received a message from Al-Qaeda asking if it would be possible for an Irish type bail-out to help them through these lean times.

‘We had our suspicions that Al-Qaeda had fallen on hard times after our latest raid on a terrorist bomb factory in Bradford,’ explained an MI6 spokesman. ‘All we found was three boxes of unused sparklers left over from bonfire night and a couple of bags of party poppers. If you take into account the fact that Bin Laden has been struggling to make his video terror threats due to not being able to get hold of the cassettes required for the 1980′s Betamax home video system, I would conclude that they are more broke than Woolworths were this time two years ago’.

Conservative backbenchers were said to be supportive of Cameron’s assertion that the British Government would not be bailing out a bunch of terrorists, with one adding: ‘So I’m confused, are we bailing out the Irish or not?’
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The IRA will probably be next for a Euro bailout, the price of Semtex is going up all the time.
True, and they have to be more clever now that there's no public trashcans in the Britlandia. Buying clever disguising for your Semtex is 'spensive!
True, and they have to be more clever now that there's no public trashcans in the Britlandia. Buying clever disguising for your Semtex is 'spensive!

We have changed the name again to confuse Americans, this is the new national sport since we lost the 2018 World Cup bid. We henceforth wish to be called UKlele in honour of our national hero George Formby.
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They just don't get you, I think you are hilarious!

Yay verily, Jesus tells a parable about a farmer and a seed. The farmer scatters seed. Some seed falls on hard ground and birds eat it. Some falls on stony ground, some among thorns and some on good ground. The seed is God's Word. Only a few people hear it and believe.

Suffice to say that you are on the good ground, others are on ground so hard that even a liberal dressing of several tons of best quality Chilean guano wouldn't even produce weeds.
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Yay verily, Jesus tells a parable about a farmer and a seed. The farmer scatters seed. Some seed falls on hard ground and birds eat it. Some falls on stony ground, some among thorns and some on good ground. The seed is God's Word. Only a few people hear it and believe.

Suffice to say that you are on the good ground, others are on ground so hard that even a liberal dressing of several tons of best quality Chilean guano wouldn't even produce weeds.
Yep! Very fertile or it was ;)